- Government of Montenegro
Press release on Cabinet's decisions made on 20 Au...
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Press release on Cabinet's decisions made on 20 August, without holding session
Published on: Aug 21, 2020 • 11:55 PM Author: PR Service
The Montenegrin Cabinet, on Thursday, 20 August 2020, without holding a session and based on the obtained consent of the majority of the Cabinet members, adopted the Information on the need to provide personal protective equipment and disinfectants for all participants in the election process in order to provide epidemiological protection at the polling stations. The State Election Commission submitted the necessary quantities of personal protective equipment for all participants in the election process, as well as the necessary quantities of disinfectants for all polling stations, based on recommendations received from the Ministry of Health and the Public Health Institute of Montenegro.
The Information on the implementation of measures intended for agriculture and fisheries within the Third Package of Socio-Economic Measures was adopted. Within the Third Government package of socio-economic measures, short-term and long-term measures have been created in order to support agriculture and fisheries. Short-term measures include incentives to maintain liquidity. With this measure, for which a public call has already been published, the Government provides an opportunity for interested legal and natural persons to exercise the right to subsidise interest during a grace period of 12 months for existing loans with commercial banks or the Investment Development Fund. The right to subsidy can be exercised by natural persons, companies and entrepreneurs, who are registered agricultural producers, registered fishermen, registered fish farmers or processors of agricultural and fish products, who until 31.12.2020 submit a request for interest subsidy, in accordance with the conditions and procedure specified in the public call.
The Information points out that the implementation of long-term support measures from the Third Package of Socio-Economic Measures, i.e. the Concept of rapid breakthroughs in the agriculture and fisheries sectors, will be launched in the coming period, which will provide significant opportunities for new production, new jobs, new value, new significant economic growth.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the results of talks with Montenegrin commercial banks in Montenegro regarding the implementation of the Third Package of Socio-Economic Measures of the Government of Montenegro. The Information points out that in order to provide the conditions for economic recovery, it is planned to conclude credit arrangements with international financial institutions in order to provide funds for lending to the economy under more favourable conditions through direct arrangements or by providing guarantees. The Law on Budget envisions concluding arrangements with the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) of up to EUR 70 million, as well as issuing guarantees for arrangements between the European Investment Bank (EIB) and commercial banks in Montenegro up to EUR 50 million.
The Ministry of Finance presented the opportunities for cooperation to the banks. The Government would provide half of the funds in the amount of EUR 70 million, while the banks would provide the other half. The funds would be transferred to banks without interest, with a repayment period of seven years and a grace period of two years, and would serve to finance working capital, liquidity and investments. On the other hand, banks would be required to provide the other half of EUR 70 million, which would make a total arrangement of EUR 140 million, as well as to enable the financing of economic activities under more favourable conditions than they are currently on the market. Bids for this programme were sent by almost all banks, except Zirat and NLB, which due to additional approvals has not yet submitted a bid. The total amount of bids is EUR 132.5 million.
For the end user, the limit for working capital will be EUR 300,000 from the Government and the same amount from the bank, and for investments the limit will be EUR 500,000, so that the maximum amount of approved funds under these conditions can be EUR 600,000 for working capital/liquidity and for investments EUR 1,000,000.
The Cabinet authorised the Ministry of Finance to continue negotiations with commercial banks in order to prepare cooperation agreements on the implementation of the Programme of the Third Package of Socio-Economic Measures, and Darko Radunović, the Minister of Finance, to sign cooperation agreements.
The Information on the Project "The Incredible Destinations & Events" was adopted. The Information emphasises that the Project is an innovative multidimensional platform that promotes tourist destinations, cultural heritage and their values using elements that are attractive to young and new travelers such as: music stars, creative industries and new technologies. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourism and entertainment industry is currently on a new, challenging path of change, so that video transmission of events has become an innovative and main channel of media communication and promotion. New media and new technology of broadcasting performances by the world's best performers contribute to a completely new and innovative promotion of events and destinations, which is the idea of this project. Pursuant to the measures of the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases for the control of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is anticipated that the events will be attended by extremely small audiences, up to 40 people, respecting all necessary prescribed measures.
Project financing will be provided by the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism - EUR 100,000.00, the Ministry of Culture - EUR 50,000.00, the Ministry of Finance - EUR 49,000.00. Due to the extreme urgency caused by the impact of the COVID19 pandemic on the tourism industry, the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism is in charge of conducting the negotiation procedure without prior publication of a call for tenders, pursuant to Article 59 paragraph 3 of the Law on Public Procurement of Montenegro.
The Information on the development of an online platform for electronic submission of applications within the Programme for Improving the Competitiveness of the Economy for 2020 was adopted. The Programme for Improving the Competitiveness of the Economy for 2020, adopted by the Cabinet on 30 July 2020, is intended for the development and improvement of the micro, small, medium, large enterprises and entrepreneurs sector through 17 programme lines, of which 7 are new and 10 are further improved. The programme is further enriched with new financial support programme lines, which relate to the internationalisation of micro, small and medium enterprises and their digitalisation, circular economy, support for young people and women in business, launching and improving production activities and four programme lines that will be promoted and conducted at the same time.
A special novelty in the implementation of the Programme compared to the previous year is reflected in the possibility of online application, obtaining the necessary documentation ex officio, shortening deadlines for evaluation and approval of applications, as well as the dynamics for payment, which is another added value in the quality of implementation of the Programme itself. The new electronic service - Online platform for the implementation of the Programme for Improving the Competitiveness of the Economy for 2020 will be available on the portal of the Ministry of Economy https://www.subveni.me/ords/f?p=2803 enabling potential users of the Programme to electronically submit applications and supporting documentation, in accordance with the conditions and criteria defined by the Public Invitation, as well as each individual Programme line.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the amendment of the Plan for granting concessions for detailed geological research and exploitation of mineral resources for 2020.
The Cabinet adopted a Decision on the appointment of the State Commission for the revision of the conceptual design for the Andrijevica-Boljare section. The commission has nine members, and the president is Mladen Ulićević.
The Cabinet appointed Dejan Peruničić as the Acting Director of the National Security Agency, whose term of office has expired. The current director has been appointed acting director until the appointment of the Director of the National Security Agency in accordance with the law, for a maximum period of six months.
The Cabinet appointed Vesko Damjanović, whose term of office has expired, as the Acting Assistant Director of the Police Directorate - Head of the Border Police Sector.
The Cabinet adopted a Decision on the appointment of Jovo Rabrenović as the General Director of the Directorate for the Development of the National Brand and Consumer Protection in the Ministry of Economy.
The Decision on termination of office of Emir Dacić, Acting Assistant Director of the Property Administration - Head of the Sector for Management of Confiscated Property, was adopted.
For full press release in Montenegrin please click here.
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