- Government of Montenegro
Statement of the Ministry of European Integration
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Statement of the Ministry of European Integration
Published on: Apr 9, 2010 • 7:35 PM Author: Ministry of European Integration
Minister for European Integration prof. Dr. Gordana Djurovic received today the delegation of the Section for Foreign Relations of the European Economic and Social Committee, headed by Mrs. Metka Roksandic.
The aim of the study visit, the group is preparing a document "Opinions on the role of civil society in the relations between Montenegro and the EU." The draft opinion section contains specific recommendations to state institutions and organizations in Montenegro, on the one hand, and the European Economic and Social Committee, on the other side.
Minister Djurovic acquainted guests with the implemented and planned activities of the Government of Montenegro in the process of joining the European Union. She emphasized the importance of participation of the civil sector, as well as the entire Montenegrin society in the process of European integration, particularly in the areas of strengthening communication and information exchange about the process. In this regard, informed the guests that the Ministry for European Integration 15th October 2009th The signed Memorandum on cooperation with 14 NGOs in the field of European integration. Ministry of Cooperation with NGOs, in addition to implementing the Communication strategy is implemented in areas such as education and the implementation of reforms necessary for the implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, the strengthening of administrative capacity and the use of pre-accession funds, as well as other areas where there is mutual interest. Cooperation in these areas is implemented through regular and timely exchange of information, and through the preparation and implementation of projects of common interest in the field of European integration.
Djurovic informed the guests that the Ministry for European Integration, in cooperation with partners from the civilian sector, work on preparing a new Communication Strategy aimed at information, promotion and mobilization of the public in the process of integration of Montenegro into the EU. She pointed out that all NGOs and civil sector seen as important partners in the preparation and implementation of the document.
Representatives of the Section for Foreign Relations of the European Economic and Social Council welcomed the progress of Montenegro's EU accession, as well as the existing cooperation between government and civil sectors in the field of European integration, and expressed the expectation that it will continue in the future and improve. Throughout its opinion, after considering the European Economic and Social Council, representatives of the Section on Foreign Relations will propose the establishment of the Joint consultative committee EU-Montenegro, as a consultative body that can provide civil society organizations in Montenegro and the EU to continue fundamental dialogue and monitor progress countries to the EU.
The aim of the study visit, the group is preparing a document "Opinions on the role of civil society in the relations between Montenegro and the EU." The draft opinion section contains specific recommendations to state institutions and organizations in Montenegro, on the one hand, and the European Economic and Social Committee, on the other side.
Minister Djurovic acquainted guests with the implemented and planned activities of the Government of Montenegro in the process of joining the European Union. She emphasized the importance of participation of the civil sector, as well as the entire Montenegrin society in the process of European integration, particularly in the areas of strengthening communication and information exchange about the process. In this regard, informed the guests that the Ministry for European Integration 15th October 2009th The signed Memorandum on cooperation with 14 NGOs in the field of European integration. Ministry of Cooperation with NGOs, in addition to implementing the Communication strategy is implemented in areas such as education and the implementation of reforms necessary for the implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, the strengthening of administrative capacity and the use of pre-accession funds, as well as other areas where there is mutual interest. Cooperation in these areas is implemented through regular and timely exchange of information, and through the preparation and implementation of projects of common interest in the field of European integration.
Djurovic informed the guests that the Ministry for European Integration, in cooperation with partners from the civilian sector, work on preparing a new Communication Strategy aimed at information, promotion and mobilization of the public in the process of integration of Montenegro into the EU. She pointed out that all NGOs and civil sector seen as important partners in the preparation and implementation of the document.
Representatives of the Section for Foreign Relations of the European Economic and Social Council welcomed the progress of Montenegro's EU accession, as well as the existing cooperation between government and civil sectors in the field of European integration, and expressed the expectation that it will continue in the future and improve. Throughout its opinion, after considering the European Economic and Social Council, representatives of the Section on Foreign Relations will propose the establishment of the Joint consultative committee EU-Montenegro, as a consultative body that can provide civil society organizations in Montenegro and the EU to continue fundamental dialogue and monitor progress countries to the EU.
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