- Government of Montenegro
PM Marković opens reconstructed Department of Obst...
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PM Marković opens reconstructed Department of Obstetrics in KCCG, announces new investments worth EUR 17 million
Published on: Aug 26, 2020 • 6:32 PM Author: PR Service
Prime Minister Duško Marković and Director of the Clinical Centre of Montenegro (KCCG) Jevto Eraković officialy put into operation the reconstructed Department of Obstetrics with the Department of Cesarean Sections and the Department for Premature Newborns, with a capacity of 38 beds. The Department was completely reconstructed and equipped with the most modern equipment thanks to a donation from Montenegrin Electric Enterprise (EPCG), which set aside EUR 240 thousand for this project. New investments in KCCG worth EUR 17 million have been announced, as well as the creation of conditions to start building a new Emergency Centre in the next mandate.
"By opening the Department of Obstetrics of the Clinic for Gynecology, we are witnessing how knowledge and responsibility can invest in the health system even in the greatest health and economic crisis," said Prime Minister Marković, adding that for several years we have witnessed serious investments in the Clinical Centre in terms of space, equipment but also human resources.
PM Marković said that at the end of this year we will start spending EUR 17 million of money allocated for the Clinical Centre and its clinics: "I want to inform the Montenegrin public that at the end of this year we will create conditions to start building a new Emergency Centre in the next mandate."
The Prime Minister also thanked EPCG, assessing that as a successful company, which has completed its important internal transformation, it has become a generator of Montenegro's overall development.
"It does not think only about its profit, about the profit of its company, its employees, but it directs a part of that profit to invest in health care and in that way contributes to the improvement of health services and health protection of our population," said Prime Minister Marković, adding that the social responsibility of EPCG shows to everyone else how to treat the health care system.
Satisfied and proud of what he sees at the Clinical Centre, the Prime Minister congratulated the employees in Montenegrin health care system on their professionalism and motivation to protect the health of citizens during pandemic.
"This is proof that investing in health care is the best answer to the everyday needs of our citizens." By investing in health care, we are investing in the future of Montenegro, in the health of our citizens and overall progress," said PM Marković.
Director Eraković said that the reconstructed obstetrics department with the previously reconstructed maternity department is one of the most modern and best maternity departments, i.e. gynecology and obstetrics clinics in this part of Europe.
"This is a continuation of continuous work and investments in the Clinical Centre of Montenegro, and I must remind you that thanks to the Government of Montenegro and our donor friends who continuously support the work of the Clinical Centre, we invested over EUR 7.5 million last year alone. The largest part came as the support of the Government of Montenegro, i.e. a little more than 6.5 million and a little less than a million euros thanks to our friends, supporters of the work of KCCG," said Director Eraković.
He added that the most modern laboratory, the first automated laboratory in Montenegro, worth over EUR one million, will be opened in the Clinical Centre by the end of the year. He announced the opening of a new department of nephrology and dialysis, and the PACS and RIS system will be implemented, where radiologists will be able to read the findings for our patients from home in the best and most comfortable way.
"And what is our biggest infrastructure project this year, we expect the opening of a completely new intensive care unit in the Neurology Clinic by the end of the year, where the most difficult patients in Montenegro will be accommodated and treated," said Director Eraković.
This, he pointed out, is the continuity of work of the health system, which shows the strength and will and professionalism: "The strength of the health system and the strength of the state and I am sure we will continue that continuity and show that everything we started will be successfully implemented and developed even more in the coming period."
PHOTO AND VIDEO: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmQfyer8
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/e3udWJVEMvA
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