Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Simović: Piva is always adorned with liberty, anti – fascism, wise people and good hosts

Published on: Aug 27, 2020 12:45 AM Author: PR Service
"Piva has always been adorned with liberty, anti - fascism, wise people and good hosts. The obligation of all of us is to further save and foster such a values in both, Piva and the whole of Montenegro, said earlier today Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Milutin Simović, on the occation of visit to this area. 

The Deputy Prime Minister met earlier today with farmers in the village Brezna, in Plužine. They talked about challenges faced by the farmers and opportunities for further improvement. A special place in those activities occupies the completion of water supply system Gornja and Donja Brezna, the construction of which started last year and was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The implementation of this project will be significant incentive for even more rapid development and valorisation of potential of this area, in both agriculture and tourism. 

"Each agricultural household, big and small, is important and has its role in development of agriculture, preservation of tradition and enrichment of our tourist offer. Particularly in the time ahead of us, for the healthy environment and the food are the most important tourist’s requirements," Deputy Prime Minister Simović noted. 

PR Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 

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