- Government of Montenegro
Prime Minister voted: This is day when Montenegro ...
Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.
Prime Minister voted: This is day when Montenegro will decide to move forward, strongly along path of development, in EU and NATO and safe home for every citizen
Published on: Aug 30, 2020 • 4:30 PM Author: PR Service
Prime Minister Duško Marković voted this morning at 09:00 in the parliamentary elections and said that the citizens are free to go to the polls and assessed that today is the day when Montenegro will decide to move forward.
"First of all, I want this day to be a holiday of democracy in Montenegro, for the citizens of Montenegro to freely express their political views, to decide who will represent them in the next four years. This is also the day when Montenegro will decide to move forward, strongly along the path of its economic and overall development – Montenegro as a member of the European Union, a reliable member of NATO, therefore, Montenegro that will be a safe and secure home for each of its citizens and their families" – said the Prime Minister.
Prime Minister Duško Marković added that the election campaign has passed and that today we should leave it to the citizens to freely decide, without pressure, who will represent them in the next four years. I believe that a free, independent, democratic and prosperous Montenegro will win today.
Asked by journalists if there was information about possible incidents, the Prime Minister said that as Prime Minister he was in regular contact with the security sector, that the situation was stable and that he did not expect any security risks.
"Some political parties are still trying to keep tensions as a form of pressure on voters. I believe that during this day, they will give up on such a scenario, because Montenegro needs citizens to freely, independently, voluntarily decide who will represent them in the next four years. I don’t expect incidents, I don’t expect instability. If there are any, the institutions know what to do in that case. I want to send a message to the citizens that they are safe, that they are secure, that they are free to go to the polls, to wait in their homes for the final results that will be announced by the State Election Commission. And then whoever wins, congratulations and let them take responsibility for running the country for the next four years," said Prime Minister Duško Marković, answering questions from journalists after the vote.
Voting: https://youtu.be/MNlJHmlH-DY
Statement after the vote: https://youtu.be/Lq2LP2SjUZs
PHOTO AND VIDEO: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmQrPRDQ
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