Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.


Published on: Jun 14, 2006 7:55 PM Author: Tenderi
Republic of Montenegro
Government of the Republic of Montenegro
Our reference: 01-1700/1
Podgorica, 14.06.2006.god

In conformity with Article 18 of the Public Procurement Law hereby follows:


To Tender Documents No. 05-20/06 for Construction and Commisioning of the Kinndergarten, Podgorica

Original paragraph in Invitation to Tender and Tender Documents:

"The tender submission date is June 8, 2006, 12.00 local time. The tenders are submitted to the Archive Room of the Directorate of Public Works, address Novaka Miloseva 18, Podgorica, in sealed envelopes and marked as defined in Tender Documents"

Is changed to be read as:

"The tender submission date is June 19, 2006, 12.00 local time. The tenders are submitted to the Archive Room of the Directorate of Public Works, address Novaka Miloseva 18, Podgorica, in sealed envelopes and marked as defined in Tender Documents"


"The tender opening in accordance with the Public Procurement Law (OJ No 40/2001) is scheduled for the same day, i.e. June 8,2006 at 12.30h at the premises of the Directorate of Public works, Novaka Miloseva 18, Podgorica"

Is changed to be read as:

"The tender opening in accordance with the Public Procurement Law (OJ No 40/2001) is scheduled for the same day, i.e. June 19, 2006 at 12.30h at the premises of the Directorate of Public works, Novaka Miloseva 18, Podgorica"

Please be kind to confirm receipt of this Addendum.


Zarko Zivkovic, CE
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