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Press release on Cabinet's decisions made on 11 September 2020 without holding session

Published on: Sep 12, 2020 12:50 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (11 September 2020) -- The Montenegrin Cabinet, on Friday, 11 September 2020, without holding a session and based on the obtained consent of the majority of Cabinet's members, adopted Information on the need of providing funds for procurement of diagnostics and medical supplies for SARS-CoV-2. On that occasion, the Ministry of Finance is in charge to redirect the amount of EUR 656,244.81 from the Current Budget Reserve to settle the due obligations for the procurement of necessary diagnostics for rtPCR testing for the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and the necessary medical consumables.

The Information points out that the Public Health Institute, from the beginning of declaring the COVID-19 epidemic, in order to adequately respond to the new situation, immediately started urgent procurement of necessary diagnostics for rtPCR testing for novel SARS-CoV-2 virus and necessary medical supplies, because a timely detection of new patients, their contacts and persons with suspicion is the only acceptable course of the action. Considering that this is a situation which could not have been planned and according to the current knowledge, no further course of the epidemic development can be predicted, and further adequate planning is not possible, it was stated that it will still be necessary to use emergency public procurement mechanisms. Guided by previous practice and experience from the previous period, the Institute of Public Health has made an estimate of the required funds by the end of the current year, which amounts to a total of EUR 1,600,000.00. It turned out that the current average consumption on a daily basis is 450 tests, whose unit price is around EUR 30.00, and that it is necessary to provide 13,500 tests on a monthly basis, with a total value of EUR 405,000.00.

The Cabinet passed the Conclusion, which puts out of force the Conclusion of the Government of Montenegro number: 07-4028 from 20 August 2020. It is a Conclusion by which the Government adopted the Information on the project "The Incredible Destinations & Events" and instructed the competent ministries to provide EUR 199,000 for its implementation. Due to the worsening of the epidemiological situation on the emitting markets, according to which this Project was supposed to have the greatest effect on the arrival of tourists in Montenegro, it was assessed that its cancellation was necessary.

The Cabinet adopted Draft Law amending the Law on Credit Institutions. At the initiative of the Association of Banks, the amendments envisage postponing the original deadline for the beginning of the application of the Law (1 January 2021) to 1 January 2022, as well as adjusting the deadlines for gradual harmonization with the Law on numerous obligations of credit institutions. In deciding on this issue, the Government bear in mind that, due to unexpected circumstances caused by the COVID -19 pandemic, there was a high degree of uncertainty in the operations of the financial sector, and that adequate communication between the Central Bank and the banking sector in preparation of a large number of bylaws law enforcement was disabled.

The Cabinet adopted the Draft Law amending the Law on Rehabilitation of Credit Institutions, which also proposed postponing the beginning of the application of the Law for 1 January 2022, because these are compatible and interdependent regulations.

Within the harmonization of payment operations with the new directives of the European Union, the Cabinet passed the Draft Law on Comparability of Fees related to Consumer payment account, transfer of consumer payment account and payment account with basic services, with the Report from the public hearing. The new Law will provide additional transparency and easier comparability of fees related to consumer accounts, which improves payment services and allows consumers to more easily choose a payment service provider. Among other things, the level of consumer protection when contracting and using payment accounts will be increased by obliging payment service providers to use terms from the list of the most representative services in all pre-contracts, contracts and advertising information intended for consumers, thus providing a standardized, unique and clear consumer information. The adoption of the Law will increase competition among payment service providers, which should lead to lower prices of services.

Due to personnel changes in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice, the Cabinet adopted a Decision amending the Decision on the formation of the Commission for selection of candidates for membership in the United Nations human rights treaty bodies. The task of the Commission is to consider and assess the fulfillment of the conditions of the registered candidates for membership in the United Nations human rights treaty bodies, which are contained in the invitation of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, based on the application criteria prescribed for each United Nations human rights treaty body, and to make a decision on the selection of one candidate.

The Cabinet passed the Decision on sending members of the police to the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP). Bearing in mind the importance of sending police officers to peacekeeping missions, after the comprehensive tests of knowledge and skills, and a positive opinion of the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations, it was decided to send Dragan Krivokapić to the Peacekeeping Mission in Cyprus (UNFICYP) for a period of one year, with the possibility of extension. Participation in peacekeeping missions fulfills international obligations, strengthens the international position of our country and provides an opportunity to exchange experiences with police officers from all over the world, to improve language, as well as to acquire new knowledge and transfer it, which in the future facilitates the integration of our police into international police cooperation and adjusting the way of working to world standards.

The Montenegrin Cabinet has adopted a Decision on publication of the Agreement between the Government of Montenegro and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on the performance of paid activities of family members of members of diplomatic or consular missions. The agreement, on the basis of reciprocity and under appropriate conditions, enables certain categories of family members of members of diplomatic and consular missions, as well as permanent missions to an international organization, which are part of their household, to perform paid activities during the term of office of a diplomatic and consular representative.

For full press release in Montenegrin, please click here


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