- Government of Montenegro
Press release on Cabinet's decisions made on 17 Se...
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Press release on Cabinet's decisions made on 17 September 2020 without holding session
Published on: Sep 19, 2020 • 1:29 AM Author: PR Service
The Montenegrin Cabinet, on Thursday, 17 September 2020, without holding a session and based on the obtained consent of the majority of Cabinet members, adopted the Information on the need to provide funds for strengthening diagnostic capacities of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro and procurement of diagnostics and medical supplies for COVID-19. The Ministry of Finance is in charge of redirecting EUR 350,000 from the current budget reserve for the purchase of five devices according to the specification of the Public Health Institute with the aim of faster testing of citizens for coronavirus and the amount of EUR 1,600,000 for the purchase of test kits for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, reagents and consumables by the end of the year.
The Information on the procurement of disinfectants and other means as well as the instruments for measuring body temperature for the needs of educational institutions was adopted. From the current budget reserve, EUR 1,085,179.80 is allocated for the purchase of protective means and disinfectants for the needs of schools before the beginning of the school year. The specification includes dispensers, hand sanitizers, cloth protective masks, Asepsol, non-contact thermometers and visors.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the need to provide funds for the payment of obligations to suppliers of the Pharmacy Institution "Montefarm" for delivered drugs.
The Decision on the appointment of the Council for the Revision of the Spatial Plan of Montenegro was made. The council has 45 members, headed by President Saša Karajović.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the increase of Montenegro's participation in the International Development Association (IDA), within the Nineteenth Increase of IDA Funds, and authorised the Minister of Finance, Darko Radunović, to sign the corresponding Commitment Instrument.
The purpose of the Nineteenth IDA increase is to compensate for the debt that IDA has forgiven certain countries under the HIPC initiative. It is an initiative that provides relief for over-indebted poor countries.
The Information on concluding the Coordination Agreement during the planning, announcement, registration, identification and provision of flights of civil and military aircraft between the Ministry of Defence of Montenegro and the Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency (SMATSA) was adopted. The Coordination Agreement during the planning, announcement, registration, identification and provision of flights of civil and military aircraft was accepted.
The conclusion of this Agreement is a precondition for the implementation of a system for civil-military coordination between the air traffic control unit and the air defence entity, which will contribute to safer flight of military and civilian airspace users, as well as its more efficient control.
The Cabinet adopted the Semi-Annual Report on Inspections in the Field of Public Procurement for the period January-June 2020.
The Report states that the Public Procurement Inspection in the reporting period controlled 106 entities and their application of the Law on Public Procurement, and that in 108 inspections, 53 irregularities were found in 29 entities. The largest number of irregularities in relation to the number of inspections was determined in the control of fulfillment of conditions for performing the duties of public procurement officers (46.15 percent), irregularities in the adoption of the Rulebook on emergency procurement (13.33 percent), keeping records of public procurement (13.04 percent), etc.
The Report on the work of the Broadcasting Centre for 2019 was adopted, as well as financial statements and independent auditor's report. The Cabinet made a Decision on the distribution of profits of the Broadcasting Centre for 2019. According to the Cabinet's Conclusion of 23 May 2013, the profit in the amount of EUR 50,311.90 is distributed by paying 70 percent to the founder - the Government of Montenegro, and 30 percent is directed to the company's reserves.
The Information on the Realisation of the Public Call for Tender in the Open Procedure for Granting a Concession for the Valorisation of Immovable Cultural Property "Besac Fortress", Virpazar, municipality of Bar, was adopted.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the Concession Agreement for detailed geological exploration and exploitation of mineral raw materials of white bauxite and technical and building stone of the "Međeđe" deposit, municipality of Nikšić and accepted the Proposal of Annex 1 to the Concession Agreement, which refers to the obligation to give the Grantor's consent when changing the ownership structure of the Concessionaire.
The Information on the Concession Agreement for the exploitation of the mineral raw material of red bauxite from the deposits "Zagrad", "Đurakov do II", "Štitovo II" and "Biočki stan", municipality of Nikšić, was also adopted. The Cabinet accepted the Proposal of Annex 4 of the Concession Agreement, which refers to the obligation to give the Grantor's consent when changing the ownership structure of the Concessionaire.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the Financing of the Secondary Religious School - Madrasa "Mehmed Fatih" with the Proposal of the Annex to the Financing Agreement. As before, EUR 500,000 a year is allocated to the school. The annex extends the duration of the contract, which was valid until the end of 2018, until the end of 2020.
The Head of the Permanent Mission of Montenegro to the United Nations and other international organisations in Geneva, Ambassador Slavica Milačić, was appointed Permanent Representative of Montenegro to the World Trade Organisation and Permanent Representative of Montenegro to the United Nations Environment Programme.
Former deputies have been appointed deputies of the Protector of Property and Legal Interests of Montenegro - Slavica Laković and Milan Krsmanović in the Office in Podgorica, and Ivana Janičić in the Office in Kotor.
Due to the resignation of one member of the Board of Directors of Pošta Crne Gore (Montenegro Post), the members of the Board of Directors were relieved of their duties. The new Board of Directors consists of: Milan Martinović, Faruk Kalač, Mirsad Džudžević, Aleksandar Ljumović and Branko Femić.
Due to the expiration of his mandate, Damir Grbović was recalled from the duty of the Ambassador of Montenegro to the Swiss Confederation.
In accordance with the practice introduced by Prime Minister Duško Marković at the beginning of his term, the Government allocated EUR 6,000 from the current budget reserve to Jelena Vujadinović Popović and Nikola Popović from Podgorica, whose triplets were born the day before yesterday.
For full press release in Montenegrin please click here.
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