- Government of Montenegro
EC Progress Report on Montenegro for 2020: Ministr...
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EC Progress Report on Montenegro for 2020: Ministry of Science best rated department in Government of Montenegro
Published on: Oct 7, 2020 • 6:21 PM Author: PR Service
In the annual progress report of the European Commission for Montenegro for 2020, which was presented yesterday in Brussels, the Ministry of Science of Montenegro was the best rated department in the Government of Montenegro. The Commission notes a good level of preparation in this sector, but also good progress.
The report states that Montenegro was the first country in the region to adopt the Smart Specialisation Strategy in August 2019 and start implementing it. Investment in science grew from 0.37% in 2017 to 0.5% of GDP in 2018. Montenegro's participation in the Horizon 2020 framework programme shows a very good trend for 2019, receiving EUR 3.2 million of direct EU contribution and reaching a success rate of 13.9% compared to 12%, which is the European average. Montenegro is included in the European Innovation Table, marking an important step in improving its statistical system and monitoring the implementation of the Smart Specialisation Strategy of Montenegro 2019-2024. It was pointed out that Montenegro has done a lot to create an innovation ecosystem, by adopting two laws with incentives for the formation of innovative companies, which envisage the establishment of the Innovation Fund, which will act as a special agency focused on implementing the Smart Specialisation Strategy.
Two new centres of excellence (covering the areas of food science and biomedical science) began operations in January 2020, with funding of EUR 1.8 million over three years. In response to the COVID-19-related pandemic, the Ministry issued a call for research projects in the field of health and socio-economic recovery (EUR 200,000). Together with the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship "Tehnopolis" and the newly established Science and Technology Park of Montenegro, the Ministry coordinated the work of 3-D laboratories in the academic and private sector for the joint production of personal protective equipment.
Through the EU Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), 13 projects were selected under a joint grant scheme for innovative project ideas, and in March 2020 contracts were signed for equipping three laboratories in Tehnopolis, as well as construction works on the Science and Technology Park of Montenegro.
In addition to the Progress Report, the European Commission, namely the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), announced yesterday a comprehensive economic and investment plan for the Western Balkans, which aims to encourage long-term economic recovery in the region, support green and digital transition, encoure regional integration and convergence with the European Union.
The Economic and Investment Plan, through the Innovation Agenda for the Western Balkans, recognises and emphasises the South East European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies - SEEIIST, as the only major scientific infrastructure project, which should contribute to strengthening the region, and announces support for further development of SEEIIST. The Economic and Investment Plan highlights its key regional role in the future Cancer Mission, under Horizon Europe, the EU's new science and innovation framework programme, which will replace H2020 for the next 7 years.
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