- Government of Montenegro
Press release on Cabinet decisions made on 29 Octo...
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Press release on Cabinet decisions made on 29 October and 2 November 2020 without holding session
Published on: Nov 7, 2020 • 3:30 AM Author: PR Service
The Montenegrin Cabinet, on Thursday, 29 October, and on Monday, 2 November 2020, without holding a session and based on the obtained consent of the majority of the Cabinet members, adopted the Report on implementation of the Montenegro's Programme of Accession to the European Union for Q1, Q2 and Q3 of 2020. The Report provides an overview of the implementation of obligations envisaged by the Programme by chapters and by departments, for the first, second and third quarter of 2020. For the first three quarters of 2020, out of a total of 172 obligations, 89 were fulfilled, which is 52 percent. Out of 142 laws and bylaws, 69 and 49 percent, respectively, have been implemented. Also, out of 30 strategic documents, 20 were fulfilled, which is 67 percent.
The largest number of laws and bylaws is planned in Chapters 12 - Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (18 regulations, of which 66.7 percent implemented), 1 - Freedom of movement of goods (17 regulations, of which 64.7 percent implemented) and 14 - Traffic policy (16 regulations, of which 18.7 percent implemented). Chapter 3 - Right of establishment and freedom to provide services, Chapter 6 - Company law, Chapter 20 - Enterprise and industrial policy, Chapter 25 - Science and research and Chpater 32 - Financial control record 100% realisation, in terms of the legislative framework.
The largest number of strategic documents is planned in Chapters 24 - Justice, Freedom and Security (planned 6, implemented 5, which is 83.3 percent), 20 - Enterprise and Industrial Policy (planned 5, implemented 3, which is 60 percent) and 23 - Judiciary and fundamental rights (planned 4, implemented 3, which is 75 percent). 2 - Freedom of movement for workers, 4 - Free movement of capital, 10 - Information society and media, 21 - Trans-European networks, 22 - Regional policy and coordination of structural instruments and 27 - Environment and climate change record 100% realisation, in terms of strategic framework.
The Information on the need to provide funds for testing the presence of the novel coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) by real-time PCR technique was adopted. EUR 200,000 has been redirected from the Current Budget Reserve for testing, which will be conducted in private laboratories, in accordance with the decisions made on 16 October.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on concluding a Loan Agreement between Montenegro and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for the Project for Reconstruction and Improvement of Local Roads - Additional Financing, in the amount of EUR 26 million and accepted the Loan Agreement.
The loan agreements were signed in 2013 - for a loan of EUR five million, and in 2015 - for a loan of EUR 20 million. As the funds from the two loans cannot cover the costs of the project, a coordinated increase in the loan agreement has been agreed, which will provide the missing funds in the amount of EUR 26 million necessary for the completion of the project.
The Information on the transfer of rights and obligations and the Concession Agreement between the Government of Montenegro and the Consortium Adriatic Marinas LLC and B.V. Holding Maatschappij Damen was adopted. In this regard, the Cabinet approved the Agreement on the Transfer of the Concession Agreement, the Agreement on the Transfer of Rights and Obligations from the Concession Agreement, as well as Annex 1 of the Concession Agreement for Commercial Use of the Shipyard Port in Bijela.
Based on the submitted documentation, it was assessed that the Tivat-based consortium Adriatic Marinas LLC and "Dry Docks World - Dubai LLC" meet the same conditions as the consortium with which the contract was concluded, i.e. meet the requirements of the public invitation and tender documents for contract award. The transfer of the contract does not reduce the quality, nor does it disturb the continuity of the contract execution.
By the Agreement on Transfer of the Concession Agreement and the Agreement on Transfer of Rights and Obligations from the Concession Agreement, the Government of Montenegro gives its consent to the Consortium Adriatic Marinas LLC and B.V. Holding Maatschappij Damen to transfer to the new Tivat-based Consortium Adriatic Marinas LLC and "Dry Docks World - Dubai LLC" the Concession Agreement which will transfer the rights and obligations from the Concession Agreement to the existing company registered in Montenegro for the implementation of the concession agreement from 2018, provided that the Assignor - Contractor 2 and the Recipient - Contractor 3 become jointly liable for all obligations under this Agreement. Also, it is envisaged that Tivat-based "Montenegro Yacht Services" LLC will transfer all rights and obligations that the Assignor has on the basis of the concluded Concession Agreement, on the day of concluding the Agreement.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on Concluding a Memorandum of Understanding on the 5G Plan for Digital Transformation of the Western Balkans and adopted a Memorandum aimed at promoting digital transformation through four areas in line with the Multi-annual Action Plan on a Regional Economic Area, the Western Balkans Digital Agenda and the European Commission Digital Strategy.
The Information on the conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding on Interoperability and Trust Services in the Western Balkans Region with the Proposed Memorandum was adopted. The Information points out that, aware of the challenges of digital transformation in the Western Balkans and the importance of regional cooperation, as well as priorities aimed at public administration reform and creating efficient e-government oriented to citizens and the economy, the Western Balkan countries, within the Western Balkans Initiative, agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding on Regional Interoperability and Trust Services in the Western Balkans. The purpose of this Memorandum is to launch a joint action and initiative to promote regional cooperation, support digital integration, as well as exchange information in an open, interoperable, secure and reliable manner, giving priority to regional interoperability and trust services. The memorandum opens up the possibility of enhancing cooperation and support, supporting governments to simplify administrative procedures and enable citizens to take advantage of limitless opportunities within the region, with less bureaucracy, through better access and security. In an effort to work together to align legislation with the relevant acquis, as well as to expand cooperation in areas of common interest, a framework is created to support the regional environment on the basis of equality, without discrimination and in accordance with the rights and obligations of the European Union in order to build secure digital guidelines for future activities.
The Cabinet adopted a National Plan for the formal identification of victims of trafficking. The plan is designed as a guide for representatives of all relevant institutions and organisations responsible for combating trafficking in human beings in Montenegro, with the intention to serve as a means to strengthen their effectiveness in detecting and protecting victims of trafficking. It arose as a result of the Government's recognition of the importance of a standardized and harmonized response to the problem of trafficking in human beings, as well as the fact that no single stakeholder can effectively combat trafficking in human beings without a comprehensive and coordinated response. The essence of this National Plan is that the representatives of relevant institutions and organizations, in addition to knowing their own roles and responsibilities, recognise and understand the process of formal identification of victims. Understanding the identification process allows for coordination during established referral steps in accordance with specific operational procedures. Therefore, the beneficiaries of this National Plan can be representatives of all governmental and non-governmental organizations, including shelter staff, police officers, prosecutors, immigration officers, employees of social welfare centres, health and educational institutions.
The Cabinet gave its consent to the Proposal of the Decision on the appointment of the independent auditor of the Investment and Development Fund of Montenegro (IRF) for the business year 2020. The IRF appointed Podgorica-based Crowe MNE LLC as the auditor.
The Report on the effects of the "Stop the Grey Economy" Programme on the Suppression of the Grey Economy was adopted. The Report states that the pilot project of the Programme for training and employment of young people in the prevention of the grey economy "Stop the grey economy", which was created with the expert assistance of the EU project "Active labour market measures for employability" was implemented for the first time in 2016. In the period from 2016-2019, the programme was implemented for 615 participants, while the implementation of the programme for 210 participants in 2020 is ongoing. By training and employing young people with acquired higher education in the work of combating the grey economy in the institutions that carry out these activities should contribute to solving the problem of their unemployment and to combating informal economy, i.e. the grey economy. This programme envisages that the participants of the programme in the real working environment provide technical assistance and support to officials in the institutions that are programme partners in the implementation of this programme.
The Report on the implementation of the Programme for the Control and Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases in Montenegro for the period 2019-2021 was adopted, with the 2019 Action Plan and the revised Action Plan for 2020.
The Information on the implementation of the Centre of Excellence Encouragement Programme was adopted. The information provides an overview of the implemented activities and financing of selected programmes that have been granted the status of centres of excellence:
Centre of Excellence for digitalization of food safety risk assessment and precise certification of food product authenticity - Food Hub, Head of the project Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Martinović, project holder the University of Donja Gorica;
Centre of Excellence for Biomedical Research - CEBIMER, Head of the project Dr. Beti Đurđić, project holder the Institute of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Rheumatology "Dr. Simo Milošević" Igalo.
The Information on the conclusion of the standard administrative arrangement between the Government of Montenegro and the UNDP Office for the Multi-Partner Trust Fund was adopted, on the occasion of sending humanitarian aid to the Republic of Haiti for the fight against cholera. In this context, the Cabinet decided to provide the Republic of Haiti with financial assistance in the amount of USD 10,000.00 for the fight against cholera.
For full press release in Montenegrin please click here.
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