- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation Damjanović takes part in 25th Miločer Development ...
Damjanović takes part in 25th Miločer Development Forum – There are no small countries, but only countries without a vision
Minister of Science Dr. Sanja Damjanović took part in the 25th Miločer Development Forum earlier today.
The topic of this year’s Forum is “Demystifying Digitalisation” and the ground for discussion came from the project “Support to companies in the fight against COVID-19 through digitalisation and digital payment”, awarded to the University of Donja Gorica under the call for applications of the Ministry of Science of Montenegro.
“The very fact that the project is funded by the Ministry of Science reveals the endeavour of the state of Montenegro to develop this area in terms of research. I would like to emphasize and commend the role of Dr. Sanja Damjanović, Minister of Science, who has utilised her great knowledge and international experience to enthusiastically lead the field of science, which was publicly praised by the European Commission in the progress report for Montenegro”, the Rector of the University of Donja Gorica, Prof. Dr. Veselin Vukotić, said at the opening of today’s Forum.
Minister Damjanović said that she was honoured to participate in the Miločer Forum as a great traditional event that targeted development through smart economy and entrepreneurship. Furthermore, she pointed out that Montenegro was, inter alia, praised by the European Commission for implementing a special call for applications related to COVID-19 and calling on the innovative and business community to find solutions to remedy the pandemic’s consequences to the health and economic system of Montenegro.
“One of the five approved projects is also the project proposed by the University of Donja Gorica and I am very happy that you were the first to reach a solution that will be further implemented. I am looking forward to hearing about your results”, Minister Damjanović said in her address, adding that she could proudly confirm that Montenegro was the only EU candidate country that presented its Smart Specialisation Strategy, a development strategy made under the methodology of the European Union. “In this way, we have shown our commitment and the great extent to which we are able to apply EU policies in Montenegro, which shows that there are no small countries, but only countries without a vision” – Damjanović pointed out.
“As someone who has managed the activities of the Ministry of Science for the last four years, I can tell you that our vision was straightforward – innovative and digitalised Montenegro. Consequently, great results have come out of it. We have worked hard, together with the innovation and business community. In the process of going through international evaluations, we have raised competitiveness at the national level, which resulted in the fact that Montenegro today has a success rate above the European average in the most important European Framework Programme – Horizon 2020. Considering our instruments, I must I commend the University of Donja Gorica because they really demonstrated success and competitiveness and I am glad to see familiar people here today including the holders of projects of the Centre of Excellence, holders of innovative projects, as well as new doctoral students and holders of scholarships of the Ministry of Science from previous generations. Without you, this success would not be possible on the EU scene”, Minister Damjanović concluded.