Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Statement by DPM Milutin Simović

Published on: Nov 14, 2020 12:25 AM Author: PR Service
On the occasion of my resignation from the position of the President of the National Coordination Body, which I headed for the previous eight months, I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all members of the National Coordination Body and numerous members of operational staffs and the Crisis Medical Staff which are part of the overall system the Government has built to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. I am convinced that all of them will continue to show full commitment in their work in the coming period. 

I would like to thank the thousands of responsible and hard-working employees in numerous competent institutions at the state and local level, and especially the health workers who, with their knowledge, dedication and conscience, have shown that they are up to the greatest challenges.

I would like to thank for the solidarity shown by our citizens, businesspeople, diaspora and many friends of Montenegro from the world of business.

I would like to thank for the support we have received from our international partners - European and Euro-Atlantic, organizations from the United Nations system, as well as numerous countries that have themselves been hit hard by this crisis.

I express special gratitude and respect to our citizens who have faced many difficult challenges and shown persistence in this exhausting struggle.

In our work in the National Coordination Body, we were not shaken by numerous obstructions, which unfortunately came even in such situations. From attempted politicization, public calls for non-compliance with measures and attempts to personally discredit the members of the National Coordination Body. The best judgment about such phenomena will be made by the public and the time in which all the challenges we have faced and are facing today will be viewed objectively and impartially.

As the public knows, in making all decisions, we were primarily and crucially guided by the recommendations of the epidemiological profession. I believe that the epidemiological profession will be of key importance in the coming period as well.

On this occasion, I appeal to all citizens to find the strength to continue to persevere in this common struggle. The only way to overcome this crisis with solidarity, understanding and togetherness is to make additional efforts to respect the measures prescribed by the medical profession and to preserve our economy to the greatest extent possible.

Milutin Simović, Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro
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