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International Conference on Maritime Education and Development, SAGOV project presentation

Published on: Nov 25, 2020 7:39 PM Author: MSP

Members of the SAGOV project team attended on the 1st International Conference on Maritime Education and Development (ICMED 2020) 23-24 November 2020 held in Durban, South Africa.

The purpose of this conference is exchange of knowledge, experiences and ideas in the domain of its thematic areas, with the ultimate goal of generating new knowledge and implementing smart strategies and actions.

Gathering of maritime academic and business communities should bring research and education closer to the needs of labor market. Within this context it should not be forgotten that historically positive vector of economic growth and development, should keep maritime ecological footprint within the limits of relevant standards.

The aim of the ICMED 2020 is to present and discuss contributions, studies, works, thesis and projects on the latest results of maritime cluster in order to enhance maritime education and the students’ (especially future seafarers) employability. It is also an opportunity to share and discuss the results of the research Erasmus+ project EURO ZA on improving MET in Europe and South Africa where DUT is one of the partners.


Gathering of researchers, scientists, academics, professionals, and entrepreneurs involved in maritime education, business, industry and administration should bring research and education closer to each other, and to the labor market, as well.

Project manager Đorđe Otašević presented Springer paper “South-Adriatic connectivity governance as one of the SAGOV project concerns” that was done in cooperation with colleagues from Administration for Maritime Safety and port Management, Montenegro (Nexhat Kapidani), Cooperation & Development Institute, Tirana, Albania (Ardian Haçkaj) and Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy of Albania (Edesa Metaj). From the side of Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs of Montenegro, beside project manager, coauthors are members of SAGOV team Ernesa Kardović and Anja Belojević.

Goal of this paper is to show importance of connectivity in South Adriatic region and especially among this trilateral (Italy-Albania-Montenegro). Connectivity is a key factor for higher growth, more jobs, and more intensive trade and cooperation in whole word and also in South Adriatic. SAGOV project in nutshell addresses connectivity and short shipping routes between the ports of Albania, Italy and Montenegro. SAGOV project will also contribute in a better understanding of the context, common vision and seamless implementation of regional projects, as well as the potential achievements and challenges coming from developments in the region. It will contribute to bring to maturation a VTMIS project in Albania, what is precondition for the safe and secure maritime traffic and further development not only Albania but whole region

Paper will be published by Springer Nature Switzerland AD.


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