Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Press release following Cabinet meeting

Published on: May 10, 2007 10:30 PM Author: Naslovna strana
Image 1: Press release following Cabinet meeting At todays Cabinet meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Vujica Lazovic, the Government of Montenegro considered and endorsed the 2006 Analysis of Montenegros Visible Trade Balance, as part of the continued monitoring of the implementation of its program goals. The Analysis, based on preliminary figures, shows a considerable growth in exports, particularly to the EU market, which indicates a better structure and higher competitiveness of domestic products. Also the Analysis shows that a faster economic growth and a high inflow of foreign direct investment in this period caused an expected increase in imports of the necessary equipment, raw and source materials, which in turn increased the visible trade deficit. As a result, the Government commissioned relevant institutions to continue providing export incentives and lower administrative barriers in this area.

In accordance with guidelines of the World Health Organization, the Government adopted the Tuberculosis Control Program for Montenegro, through which the country joins a global partnership against this disease. The Program is based on international standards for diagnostics, treatment, registration and prevention of the disease, and its implementation offers the possibility of reducing the infection rate and increasing the rate of treatment success, in order to eradicate tuberculosis as a health problem in Montenegro.

At todays Cabinet meeting, the Government adopted the Amendments to the Bill on Amendments and Additions to the Law on the Restoration of Property Rights and Compensation. The Amendments specify more clearly a method of compensation corresponding to Montenegros economic capacity. They prescribe that former owners claims should to be processed by three committees, making the organization of this process more efficient and rational. In accordance with adequate parliamentary procedure, the adopted amendments will become an integral part of the proposed legislation.

In order to secure consistent enforcement of the adopted measures against corruption and organized crime, the Government adopted the Decision on the Establishment of the Commission for Public Objections, Complaints, Proposals and Suggestions in the Privatization Process.

The Government adopted the Agreement between the Republic of Montenegro and the Republic of Turkey on the Foundation and Activities of the Program Coordination Office of the Turkish Agency for International Development and Cooperation and the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Montenegro and the Republic of Turkey

In addition, the Government adopted the Memorandum of Cooperation in the Process of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration between the Government of the Republic of Montenegro and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia.
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