Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

The Minister of Finance took part in the celebration organized in honor of the Customs Service Day, when the specialized customs scanner was released into operation

Published on: Oct 17, 2008 8:05 PM Author: Naslovna strana
Image 1: The Minister of Finance took part in the celebration organized in honor of the Customs Service Day, when the specialized customs scanner was released into operation In his presentation he pointed out the significance of technical equipping of the customs system in Montenegro for efficient implementation of the Free Trade Agreement, one of which signors is Montenegro, and its importance as a step in the processes of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration. Also, the Minister emphasized that the procurement and use of such scanners significantly contribute to protection of the customs area, as well as to the fight against organized crime. The Minister pointed out that the Government of Montenegro is working on the enforcement of the Action Plan for Implementation of the Program for Fight against Corruption and Organized Crime and that this event is directly in line with it. The Minister expressed his expectation that technical strengthening, along with rapid and efficient servicing will also lead to increase of turnover, since our competitive ability is reaching the level of such destinations in the region which have already released such devices into operation.
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