- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Finance Implementing Agreement signed
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Implementing Agreement signed
Published on: May 6, 2009 • 6:24 PM Author: Naslovna strana
In accordance with the European Union requirements in the area of the conferral of management powers of pre-accession funds instrument (IPA) from the European Commission (EC) to Montenegro, i.e. requirements related to the establishment of decentralized implementation system (DIS), the Implementing Agreement was signed between the National Authorizing Officer (NAO) and Programme Authorizing Officer (PAO). In the light of the above, contracting parties are authorized representatives of the Ministry of finance, Mr. Dušan Perović (NAO) and Ms. Nataša Kovačević (PAO). The Agreement related exclusively to the Decentralized implementation System of management of programmes of IPA component Transition assistance and institution building. It is important to emphasize that the Implementing Agreement is very important for the activities of the Project First steps for a Decentralized Implementation System (DIS) in Montenegro providing technical assistance to the Ministry of finance and the Secretariat for European integration, as well as to other DIS players, with the objective of strengthening of the administrative and managerial capacities and compliance with the accreditation criteria by the IPA bodies. The Implementing Agreement is of extreme importance, being the basis for formal defining of responsibilities and functions of the National Accrediting Officer (NAO), the National Fund (NF), and Programme Authorizing Officer (PAO) being the Head of the Sector for financing and contracting the EU funds (CFCU) as a part of Operating structure (OS) for the programmes financed through the IPA Component I.
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