- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Finance Montenegro improved its position for six places an...
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Montenegro improved its position for six places and it is now ranked number in the World Bank Doing Business Report
Published on: Sep 10, 2009 • 12:31 AM Author: Naslovna strana
In last year, Montenegro improved its business environment and by six places improved its position in the World Bank Doing Business Report 2010, being ranked 71, out of the total number of 183 analyzed countries. On the basis of recorded reforms, Montenegro improved its position in four of ten indicators, and only 11 countries achieved the improvement in a number of indicators. The progress has been recognized in four areas included in the Doing Business methodology, the indicators: starting business, issuing construction permits, employing workers and paying taxes. The indicator "Starting a business", Montenegro is indicated as the reformer in the introduction of unified registration of companies in the registry and accelerated registration between Tax Administration, Health Insurance Fund and Pension and Disability Insurance Fund. Implemented reforms contributed to the shortened or simplified procedures re-registration procedures (tax returns, registration for social protection, issuing licenses). In terms of issuing construction permits, progress has been recognized by the adoption of new regulations, a simplified procedure of obtaining permits on the basis of a certificate of assessment of risk, thus introducing a shortened procedure for smaller buildings, with a focus on larger projects with significant impact on the environment in terms of security . The Indicator "Employing workers" confirmed incentives and benefits implemented by the new legal solutions resulting in a more flexible labor market, while the indicator "Paying taxes," noted the significant reduction of tax rates in Montenegro. The issue of reduction in profit tax rate and reduction in burdens on earnings and contributions paid by employers were also emphasized.
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