- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Maritime Affairs Delegation of the Government of Montenegro on the ...
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Delegation of the Government of Montenegro on the Third High Level Meeting on Transport infrastructure in SEE
Published on: Oct 21, 2003 • 7:29 PM Author: Naslovna strana

Montenegrin Delegation is headed by the Deputy Prime Minister Jusuf Kalamperovic, the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Transportation Andrija Lompar and the Deputy Minister of Maritime Affairs and Transportation Rados Sucur.
The principal purpose of the Paris High Level Meeting (HLM) will be to set the stage for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by Transport Ministers from the countries of the region. This MoU establishes the principle and modalities of cooperation on regional transport and includes a Core Transport Network.
The HLM will launch a major discussion on transport policy reform in South East Europe. The successful implementation of the Network will depend to a large extent on the ability of each country to address policy constraints that currently hamper closer regional cooperation and integration in the transport sector.
The HLM will also address the Transport Project Preparation Facility Project (TPPF). The TPPF project is intended to undertake full-fledged feasibility studies of top priority regional transport projects based on the list of the REBIS study plus provide financing for other essential studies.
Finally the HLM will address the venue and date of the aforementioned Ministerial session for the signature of the MoU.
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