Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.


Published on: Dec 29, 2005 4:45 PM Author: Naslovna strana
Evropska Agencija za Rekonstrukciju
Crna Gora

Rekonstrukcija puta Budva-Bar
Lok 1: Kufin I i II
Lok 2: Petrovac
Lok 3: Rafailovici
The European Agency for Reconstruction intends to award contracts within the context of its programme of improving road infrastructure in Montenegro.
The project comprises; Lot 1 - construction of 4.7 km length of third lane and associated reinforced concrete bridge and semi-bridges; Lot 2 - construction of 1.2 km length of third lane and associated reinforced concrete semi-bridge; Lot 3 - construction of 1.6 km length of third lane and associated reinforced concrete semi-bridges.
Financial assistance will be provided from the CARDS 2005 programme of the European Communities.
The construction periods will be; Lot 1 300 days; Lots 2 and 3 - 105 calendar days.
Tenders may be submitted for individual Lots or for all Lots. The tender dossier will be available as from 26 December 2005 from:

The European Agency for Reconstruction,
Atinska 5, Gorica C, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro;

upon payment of a non-refundable fee of 250 by bank transfer. For details of bank transfer arrangements please contact Sanela Banda at the above office;
tel 381 (0)81 406 600
fax 381 (0)81 655 532

The deadline for submission of tenders is 10.00 (local time) on 27 February 2006. A full Procurement Notice of this local open tender can be downloaded from website

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