- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Maritime Affairs Call for participation in the public competition b...
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Call for participation in the public competition bidding for the sale of motor Yacht "Primorka"
Published on: Apr 5, 2007 • 8:31 PM Author: Naslovna strana

1. Selling Subject
Selling subject is motor yacht Primorka in the ownership of Montenegrin Government, built of wood in Italy in 1974, length 24.22 m., breadth 6.30 m. with the draft of 2.00 m.She consists two engines of 1.120 HP; maximal speed 28 knots per hour. Boarding capacity: allowed persons on board while cruising 30, cabin capacity 12 persons, salon capacity 12 persons, minimal crew numbers 5, fuel capacity 6.000 l and water capacity 2.600 l.
2. Initial price
Initial price for the property sale described under the item 1 amounts 180.000.00 EUR.
Payment have to be done in 5 (five) working days from the day of signing the contract.
3. Selling Conditions
Selling of mentioned property will be delivered through public oral bidding which will be held in the premises of Harbor Master Office in Kotor (St. Benovo bb, Kotor) on May 8. 2007, 11:00 a.m.
Right to bid have all domestic and foreign physical and juristic entities, for the amount of 14.500, 00 euros.
Before tender procedure begins for participation on public oral biding deposit has to be paid on drawing account: 550-5590-94.
Minimal change of the offer range in the process of public competition bidding is established according to the Tender Commission decision, regarding price increasing during the bidding, providing that every other price increasing can not surpass 10% previously offered price. Participants of public competition bidding can not offer price that has already been submitted by the other bidder.
Procedure for public oral bidding will be completed if on 3rd call none does not offer highest price than previously offered so far.
Conditions for public oral bid shall be considered as fulfilled, if at least one participant make offer at initial price in proscribed time.
Applications for public oral bid shall be submitted to Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Telecommunications, St: Rimski trg 46, PC Vektra- Podgorica, within 8 (eight) days from the announcement of public call, not later than the public tender opening day, including the applications sent by post. Applications have to be sealed with indication For public bid competition do not open.
Participants of public competition bid have to submit their personal information: for physical entities first and last name, address, ID number and for juristic entities company name and seat, number of registry, with signature and seal of authorized company name.
Participants in public competition bidding, whose applications are untimely and irregular, can not participate in the public competition bid.
Participant that submits maximally valued offer should be announced as property buyer, and his offer should be considered as accepted offer for selling subject.
Bidder is obliged to conclude a Contract of selling Properties with Montenegrin Government Ministry of Finance within seven days from the day of public competition bid. If bidder does not conclude a contract for selling subject in required time or do not pay out sales price in due time limit, loses the right to the deposit reimbursement, and the vender has the right to conclude the sales contract of selling properties with other bidder- participant of mentioned oral bidding, that offered sale price that is second best on the list of potential bidders.
Yacht is being sold in the presently seen condition.
Expenses regarding property transfer ( taxes, fees, etc.) are responsibility of the buyer.
Alredy paid deposit should be returned to the other participants within seven days from the public tender opening day, and deposit of selected participant should be retained and included into sales price.
Selling subject shall be in sight day to day from 10 a.m. to 14 p. m., during the period from 16. April, 2007 . inclusively with public tender opening day.( contact person: Nikola Drakulovic, Harbour Master Officer ; telefon: + 381 82 301 014).
Further information can be accessible at the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Telecommunications Podgorica, (contact person: Snezana Djurkovic, adviser, telephone: +381 81 234 064, e-mail: djurkovics@mn.yu).
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