Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

5th Ministerial Council of Transport Community

Published on: May 19, 2022 1:30 PM Author: Ministry of Capital Investments

Ministers in charge of transport met today in Pristina for discussions on the extension of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) to the Western Balkans. Transport Community’s Five-year rolling work plan for the development of the indicative TEN-T extension was endorsed at the meeting, which gathered ministers from the Western Balkans, representatives of the European Commission and the EU Member States. Participants highlighted importance of regionally coordinated projects that will help the region achieve transition to an integrated transport network and better connect the regional transport market with the EU’s.

5. Ministarski sastanak u okviru Transportne zajednice

The process of TENT revision may sound technical, but it is an essential step to bring our region closer together and integrate it with the European Union. I am pleased that ministers in charge of transport came to Pristina today and demonstrated commitment to improving connectivity in the region. Their endorsement of the Five Year Rolling Work Plan that the Transport Community drafted with the assistance of regional partners will mean a common, more focused approach to regional connectivity, said Matej Zakonjšek, Director of Transport Community Permanent Secretariat.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Capital Investments Ervin Ibrahimović used the opportunity to speak about Montenegro's needs.

5. Ministarski sastanak u okviru Transportne zajednice

In recent years, significant financial support from the EU for the region’s transport infrastructure has been channeled under the Connectivity Agenda umbrella, to ensure seamless connections between regional partners and with neighbouring EU Member States. While significant progress has been made, there is still plenty of work ahead. Compliance with TEN-T standards is far from complete, while non-physical barriers continue to hamper the seamless flow of transport and trade in the region.

The plans for the Road Summit “Shaping the future: safe, smart and sustainable roads” were also presented at the Ministerial Council. Minister-level event, organised jointly by the Transport Community Permanent Secretariat, the European Investment Bank (EIB), and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will take place in Tirana on 7 June and it will focus on safe infrastructure for road users, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and innovative solutions for green mobility, climate proofing of road networks and deployment of emission zero fuels.

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