- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Spatial Planning, Urbanism and State Property Conclusions of the Regional Forum on Climate Chang...
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Conclusions of the Regional Forum on Climate Changes, Budva
Published on: Oct 21, 2009 • 4:24 PM Author: Naslovna strana
Taking into account the conclusions adopted at the Constitutive Meeting of the Regional Forum on CC the Ministers and the Heads of Delegations of the South-East European countries: the Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia at the session of the Regional Forum held on 15th October, 2009, in Budva, Montenegro, agreed to:
1. Support the document of The Regional (South - Eastern Europe ) Forum on Climate Change Guidelines that defines functioning and organizational structure of the Forum
2. Assess as acceptable the revised version of the Regional Programme for Adaptation to Climate Change for South-East European Countries. On the eve of the submittal of the project proposal for further procedure, the same will be submitted to the competent authorities of the interested countries participating in the work of the Regional Forum.
The need was identified for developing the regional programme for the assesment of the potentials for the reduction of the emission of green house gasses by sectors in relation to certain criteria developed by the EU, including, both the assesment of the necessary financial means and expenditures for the implementation of this project, and the need for the assesment of the transfer of new technologies.
3. Express readiness to transpose and gradually implement the EU Energy and Climate Package, while recognizing the need for providing support in the capacity building of the candidate and potential candidate SEE countries in synergy and following the dynamics of the process of the EU accession.
On the eve of the COP 15, which is to be held in Copenhagen, express need for support to prepare detailed analyses and strategic plans based on which GHG reduction commitments will be determined as well as the timeframe for this undertaking.
The participants of the First meeting of the Regional Forum agree for such a view to be presented as a common one at the meetings with the representatives of the European Commission which will be held at the forthcoming meeting in Barcelona and at the margins of the COP 15 Meeting in Copenhagen by the distinguished representatives of the participating SEE countries in the Forum.
4. Express expectations towards positive development to be achieved in the region by implementing the Work Plan for Regional Environmental cooperation in South Eastern Europe (RENA), and especially activities under the priority issues of the WG2 "Climate Change".
At the same time, stress the importance of the efficient use of financial sources which will be available within the RENA in the manner which will not cause the overlapping and which will enable the synergy with the activities established in the document entitled the Structure and Method of Work of the Regional Forum.
5. Invite countries to consider the possibilities to nominate the South East European Virtual Climate Change Center (SEEVCCC), hosted by the Hydrometeorological Institute of the Republic of Serbia as a potential subregional candidate for the Implementation Entity for the projects of adaptation to climate changes.
6. Find the Conference on Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Mediterranean region and South-Eastern Europe, to be held on 16-17 October, 2009, in Budva, as the significant contribution of the region towards International Agreement on post- Kyoto period, particularly in the context of:
- Exchange of know-how and experience,
- Transfer of technologies for adaptation and mitigation
- Integration of the issue of climate change into the tourism and spatial planning sectoral policies.
1. Support the document of The Regional (South - Eastern Europe ) Forum on Climate Change Guidelines that defines functioning and organizational structure of the Forum
2. Assess as acceptable the revised version of the Regional Programme for Adaptation to Climate Change for South-East European Countries. On the eve of the submittal of the project proposal for further procedure, the same will be submitted to the competent authorities of the interested countries participating in the work of the Regional Forum.
The need was identified for developing the regional programme for the assesment of the potentials for the reduction of the emission of green house gasses by sectors in relation to certain criteria developed by the EU, including, both the assesment of the necessary financial means and expenditures for the implementation of this project, and the need for the assesment of the transfer of new technologies.
3. Express readiness to transpose and gradually implement the EU Energy and Climate Package, while recognizing the need for providing support in the capacity building of the candidate and potential candidate SEE countries in synergy and following the dynamics of the process of the EU accession.
On the eve of the COP 15, which is to be held in Copenhagen, express need for support to prepare detailed analyses and strategic plans based on which GHG reduction commitments will be determined as well as the timeframe for this undertaking.
The participants of the First meeting of the Regional Forum agree for such a view to be presented as a common one at the meetings with the representatives of the European Commission which will be held at the forthcoming meeting in Barcelona and at the margins of the COP 15 Meeting in Copenhagen by the distinguished representatives of the participating SEE countries in the Forum.
4. Express expectations towards positive development to be achieved in the region by implementing the Work Plan for Regional Environmental cooperation in South Eastern Europe (RENA), and especially activities under the priority issues of the WG2 "Climate Change".
At the same time, stress the importance of the efficient use of financial sources which will be available within the RENA in the manner which will not cause the overlapping and which will enable the synergy with the activities established in the document entitled the Structure and Method of Work of the Regional Forum.
5. Invite countries to consider the possibilities to nominate the South East European Virtual Climate Change Center (SEEVCCC), hosted by the Hydrometeorological Institute of the Republic of Serbia as a potential subregional candidate for the Implementation Entity for the projects of adaptation to climate changes.
6. Find the Conference on Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Mediterranean region and South-Eastern Europe, to be held on 16-17 October, 2009, in Budva, as the significant contribution of the region towards International Agreement on post- Kyoto period, particularly in the context of:
- Exchange of know-how and experience,
- Transfer of technologies for adaptation and mitigation
- Integration of the issue of climate change into the tourism and spatial planning sectoral policies.
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