- Government of Montenegro
Address of the Minister Rocen at the Informal meet...
Address of the Minister Rocen at the Informal meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs with the non-NATO ISAF contributing nations
(Address at the Informal meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs with the non-NATO ISAF contributing nations, Tallinn, April 23, 2010)
Mr. Secretary General,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to greet you warmly on behalf of Montenegro. It is an honor for my country to be represented for the first time as ISAF contributing nation on this important international gathering. Montenegro has set an ambitious goal – to become a NATO member. In the process of fulfilling commitments to this end, we would like to show that we are already a responsible partner to the Alliance. We would also like to demonstrate that although we are a small country we can contribute to great common goals, in line with our capacities.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Bosnia and Herzegovina for the invitation to join Membership Action Plan (MAP). That’s one more good message for our region.
Our tragic Balkan experience has taught us that peace and stable economic and democratic development of our society is only possible if we show respect for differences, foster multiethnic harmony, build strong institutions, strengthen the rule of law and develop good regional cooperation. Montenegro bases its development and its European and Euro-Atlantic perspective on these principles. This is why we are recognized as a European success story in the Region. We believe that peace in Afghanistan can also be built on these premises.
This is a year of great challenges, but also of great chances for our common endeavor, and for Afghanistan. Combining politico-military and civilian efforts and building necessary preconditions for transfer of power to the Afghani leadership represent a key test for the international presence. At the same time, we need to work on strengthening trust both within Afghanistan and in the regional framework. This task requires a comprehensive and synchronized approach, determination, but also patience and persistence. We should leave the doors open for all those who wish to and are able to help. To this end, it is necessary to set up a wide front of all, big and small alike, who share the same values.
Montenegro is determined to be a part of this front. We have donated light weapons and ammunition to the Afghan Army in 2006. In March this year we have sent an infantry platoon and medical team to Afghanistan within the Hungarian contingent, under the regional command of Germany. This may be a symbolic contribution to ISAF mission, but it constitutes around 2% of armed forces of Montenegro.
We believe in the success of this endeavor whose effects by far surpass the borders of Afghanistan.
Thank you.