- Government of Montenegro
Speech of the Police Director on the occassion of...
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Speech of the Police Director on the occassion of official opening of INTERPOL Regional Conference in Budva, on 26/05/2010
Published on: May 26, 2010 • 7:40 PM Author: Biro
of the Police Director on the occassion of official opening of INTERPOL Regional Conference in Budva, on 26/05/2010
Dear Prime Minister,
INTERPOL President,
your Excellencies,
esteemed ministers,
dear colleagues,
ladies and gentlemen,
It is an honor and a privilege to greet you and welcome you to Montenegro at the official opening of the 39th INTERPOL European Regional Conference.
I wish to use this opportunity to extend my gratitude to the President, INTERPOL Secretary General and their associates for their assistance they have provided during the preparations and organization of the Conference.
The European Regional Conference is attended by approximately 200 delegates from 49 countries of Europe.
Let me remind you that immediately after regaining its independence, in mid 2006, Montenegro was intensively working on becoming an INTERPOL member state.
Along with very constructive assistance and support of the Secretary General and his closest associates, at 75th INTERPOL General Assembly held in Rio de Janeiro from 19 to 22 September 2006, Montenegro was admitted into full-fledged membership of the International Criminal Police Organization, as its 185th member state.
Up to then we were the first state which was unanimously admitted into this renowned international organization of criminal police forces.
The National Central Bureau INTERPOL Podgorica is equipped with modern and necessary resources for professional operations.
During its work of less than four years, NCB INTERPOL Podgorica has achieved significant results.
I have to emphasize activities on locating 115 persons wanted by the national central bureaus of other states on international notices due to serious criminal offences.
Significant results were achieved in the application of the MIND system and the implementation of the Pink Panthers project which is coordinated by the INTERPOL Coordination Unit from Lyon.
Montenegro is a significant factor of stability and security in South East Europe, which was also contributed by the police organization through its engagement via interagency, regional and international cooperation.
Thus, during 2009, the Montenegrin police force has achieved the best working results in the past 10 years and Montenegro is recognized as one of the safest countries in the region.
In line with the strategic Government priorities, the Police Directorate has focused significant attention to the quality and better intensity of regional and international police cooperation.
The Montenegrin police is a member of the SECI center and SEPCA, which are regional security organizations and there is a series of signed bilateral and multilateral agreements on police cooperation with the countries of the region, European Union member states and other states.
I recognize the need to strengthen regional police cooperation exclusively in the professional communication and mutual work in the fight against organized and transnational crime, corruption, drugs, terrorism and other security challenges and dangers.
Esteemed conference participants,
The police force of Montenegro calls for active professional cooperation and proceedings concerning the instrument of mutual legal assistance and extradition of fugitives who have committed serious criminal offences.
I am of opinion that it is important to consider the possibilities of an initiative to amend the constitutional and legal regulations and to consider the cession of cases to the judicial authorities of the states in which the fugitives are.
Today the Police Directorate of Montenegro and EUROPOL will sign a Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of a Secure Communication Link.
Thus we will confirm our committment to further development and strengthening police cooperation with European states.
Apart from the strategic committment for the development of regional and international cooperation, the Montenegrin national police force is implementing a series of other activities in meeting norms and standards for joining NATO and the European Union.
Integrations are a strategic committment and they are implemented through a dinamic reform process of the police organization.
Let me emphasize that we have a very concrete and good quality support in that process. Suggestions were received from the Delegation of the European Union, OSCE, diplomatic and consular missions and other relevant domestic and foreign entities.
Within the current reform and integration processes, the Police Directorate has realized a series of projects with the priority goal to strengthen the educational, material, technical and operational police capacities.
It is unfailingly followed by the adoption of modern standards, good practices and methodologies which are applied by the police forces of the EU member states in their work.
The progess achieved at this level and the novelties implemented in all the fields and levels of police operations and cooperation with the police forces of other states place us among the ranks of professional and trustworthy partners in solving the most difficult security issues, risks and challenges.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I hereby express my personal and professional satisfaction that the 39th INTERPOL European Regional Conference will be held in Budva, a town which has gained reputation as the Mediterranean tourist jewel.
It is with special respect that I express my gratitude to INTERPOL General Secretariat for the honor and trust you have shown to Montenegro in deciding we should host this Conference.
I believe that such a decision of the General Secretariat is a confirmation that Montenegro is a safe country and that it is an acknowledgment to the Police Directorate of Montenegro for its previously achieved results.
I am convinced that during the Conference we will clearly precise and define priorities, goals, methods of their implementation and achievements, especially as regards the defining of strategic and operational decisions for strengthening cooperation between the European states.
I believe that the European Committee, as an INTERPOL authority whose members will be selected at this Conference, will implement the decisions reached at the Conference in a professional manner and in the interest of strengthening European security.
It is a highly responsible and demanding job which has no alternative when it comes to the European security.
Owing to his committment we professionally respect, we have nominated our candidate, Mr. Dejan Djurovic, Head of NCB INTEROL Podgorica, to become a member of the European Committee. We consider he can meet that demanding obligation successfully and professionally.
I expect your support for the acceptance of that proposal, since I am certain he will provide his contribution to INTERPOL results and mission through his activities.
I wish a pleasant stay in Montenegro to the esteemed guest, and I wish the conference participants successful work as well.
I am convinced that during your stay in Montenegro you will have an opportunity to see a part of its natural beauties and that you will also take back with you to your countries impressions about our hospitality, tradition and culture.
of the Police Director on the occassion of official opening of INTERPOL Regional Conference in Budva, on 26/05/2010
Dear Prime Minister,
INTERPOL President,
your Excellencies,
esteemed ministers,
dear colleagues,
ladies and gentlemen,
It is an honor and a privilege to greet you and welcome you to Montenegro at the official opening of the 39th INTERPOL European Regional Conference.
I wish to use this opportunity to extend my gratitude to the President, INTERPOL Secretary General and their associates for their assistance they have provided during the preparations and organization of the Conference.
The European Regional Conference is attended by approximately 200 delegates from 49 countries of Europe.
Let me remind you that immediately after regaining its independence, in mid 2006, Montenegro was intensively working on becoming an INTERPOL member state.
Along with very constructive assistance and support of the Secretary General and his closest associates, at 75th INTERPOL General Assembly held in Rio de Janeiro from 19 to 22 September 2006, Montenegro was admitted into full-fledged membership of the International Criminal Police Organization, as its 185th member state.
Up to then we were the first state which was unanimously admitted into this renowned international organization of criminal police forces.
The National Central Bureau INTERPOL Podgorica is equipped with modern and necessary resources for professional operations.
During its work of less than four years, NCB INTERPOL Podgorica has achieved significant results.
I have to emphasize activities on locating 115 persons wanted by the national central bureaus of other states on international notices due to serious criminal offences.
Significant results were achieved in the application of the MIND system and the implementation of the Pink Panthers project which is coordinated by the INTERPOL Coordination Unit from Lyon.
Montenegro is a significant factor of stability and security in South East Europe, which was also contributed by the police organization through its engagement via interagency, regional and international cooperation.
Thus, during 2009, the Montenegrin police force has achieved the best working results in the past 10 years and Montenegro is recognized as one of the safest countries in the region.
In line with the strategic Government priorities, the Police Directorate has focused significant attention to the quality and better intensity of regional and international police cooperation.
The Montenegrin police is a member of the SECI center and SEPCA, which are regional security organizations and there is a series of signed bilateral and multilateral agreements on police cooperation with the countries of the region, European Union member states and other states.
I recognize the need to strengthen regional police cooperation exclusively in the professional communication and mutual work in the fight against organized and transnational crime, corruption, drugs, terrorism and other security challenges and dangers.
Esteemed conference participants,
The police force of Montenegro calls for active professional cooperation and proceedings concerning the instrument of mutual legal assistance and extradition of fugitives who have committed serious criminal offences.
I am of opinion that it is important to consider the possibilities of an initiative to amend the constitutional and legal regulations and to consider the cession of cases to the judicial authorities of the states in which the fugitives are.
Today the Police Directorate of Montenegro and EUROPOL will sign a Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of a Secure Communication Link.
Thus we will confirm our committment to further development and strengthening police cooperation with European states.
Apart from the strategic committment for the development of regional and international cooperation, the Montenegrin national police force is implementing a series of other activities in meeting norms and standards for joining NATO and the European Union.
Integrations are a strategic committment and they are implemented through a dinamic reform process of the police organization.
Let me emphasize that we have a very concrete and good quality support in that process. Suggestions were received from the Delegation of the European Union, OSCE, diplomatic and consular missions and other relevant domestic and foreign entities.
Within the current reform and integration processes, the Police Directorate has realized a series of projects with the priority goal to strengthen the educational, material, technical and operational police capacities.
It is unfailingly followed by the adoption of modern standards, good practices and methodologies which are applied by the police forces of the EU member states in their work.
The progess achieved at this level and the novelties implemented in all the fields and levels of police operations and cooperation with the police forces of other states place us among the ranks of professional and trustworthy partners in solving the most difficult security issues, risks and challenges.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I hereby express my personal and professional satisfaction that the 39th INTERPOL European Regional Conference will be held in Budva, a town which has gained reputation as the Mediterranean tourist jewel.
It is with special respect that I express my gratitude to INTERPOL General Secretariat for the honor and trust you have shown to Montenegro in deciding we should host this Conference.
I believe that such a decision of the General Secretariat is a confirmation that Montenegro is a safe country and that it is an acknowledgment to the Police Directorate of Montenegro for its previously achieved results.
I am convinced that during the Conference we will clearly precise and define priorities, goals, methods of their implementation and achievements, especially as regards the defining of strategic and operational decisions for strengthening cooperation between the European states.
I believe that the European Committee, as an INTERPOL authority whose members will be selected at this Conference, will implement the decisions reached at the Conference in a professional manner and in the interest of strengthening European security.
It is a highly responsible and demanding job which has no alternative when it comes to the European security.
Owing to his committment we professionally respect, we have nominated our candidate, Mr. Dejan Djurovic, Head of NCB INTEROL Podgorica, to become a member of the European Committee. We consider he can meet that demanding obligation successfully and professionally.
I expect your support for the acceptance of that proposal, since I am certain he will provide his contribution to INTERPOL results and mission through his activities.
I wish a pleasant stay in Montenegro to the esteemed guest, and I wish the conference participants successful work as well.
I am convinced that during your stay in Montenegro you will have an opportunity to see a part of its natural beauties and that you will also take back with you to your countries impressions about our hospitality, tradition and culture.
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