- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Finance Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister , Mr. I...
Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.
Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister , Mr. Igor Lukšić, PhD ., met with the States Secretary Ministry of Finance Mr. Reinhold Lopatka
Published on: Mar 19, 2010 • 5:10 PM Author: Ivona Mihajlović - administrator
The meeting of the two officials represented a good chance for the exchange of experience and the review of challenges of both countries facing with the global economic crises. The Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Lukšić, informed Mr. Lopatka about the set of measures implemented by the Government of Montenegro during last year aimed at recovering of the economy and strengthening the confidence of citizens into the banking sector, as well as on main plans and objectives for 2010, focused on further revitalization of the overall economic system. The Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that the announced economic recovery, through expected GDP growth in this year, will be contributed by the three commitments of the Government: further fiscal alignment, completion of the restructuring process of enterprises and continuing activities aimed at improving business conditions in the country. The Deputy Prime Minister Lukšić underlined very important cooperation of Montenegro and the Republic of Austria in the fiscal system area, especially in the banking sector and insurance, with joint will and readiness for further strengthening and improving the economic relations of both countries.
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