- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Finance Seminar “Objectives System – Setting Indicators''
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Seminar “Objectives System – Setting Indicators''
Published on: Jan 28, 2010 • 7:56 PM Author: Ivona Mihajlović - administrator
The Seminar was organized by the GTZ, German Organization for Technical Cooperation, in the period 27 -29, January in Budva, titled "Objectives System – Setting Indicators'', which was organized for representatives of the Ministry of Finance, Supreme Audit Institution and GTZ. The seminar represented a continuation of cooperation between the Ministry of Finance and GTZ, being established through the Project "Programme budgeting and efficient audit”, in 2007. During the first day of the Seminar, participants had the opportunity to exchange experiences with the GTZ representatives related to the objectives and implementation of the budget plan for 2010. The second day of the seminar was devoted to the introduction of a system of indicators - the experience of Wiesbaden in the defining indicators and reporting - practical experience; definition of indicators on the example of the budget plan for 2010, as well the continuation of consultations with the objective of defining indicators for the programme budget of Montenegro. The programme budget is the integral part of the annual Budget Law, which includes tasks and activities of individual spending units, being implemented with the objective of more efficient management of funds based on proposed programmes and sub-programmes, which contribute to the achievement of strategic objectives in accordance with the economic policy of the state. The application of the programme budgeting contributes to the greater transparency in the use of budgetary funds, creating more thorough basis providing a clear review the linkage between policies, programmes, resources and results. Montenegro began the implementation of the programme budgeting in 2004 with the U.S. Treasury.
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