- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Finance Presentation of the Deputy Prime Minister and Fina...
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Presentation of the Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Mr. Igor Lukšić, at the Third Regional Conference on Cadastre
Published on: Jun 10, 2010 • 10:41 PM Author: Ivona Mihajlović - administrator
“…On behalf of the Government of Montenegro, I have the honor and a pleasure to welcome you all and to wish you successful work at this Conference and a pleasant stay in Montenegro. An important pillar in achieving fundamental human rights - including the ownership right, within which is the immovable property ownership right, is the efficient and reliable land Administration representing the supporting stance in terms of exercising these rights. In this regard, in the previous period, together with the Real Estate Directorate, the Government of Montenegro has continuously implemented activities aimed at promoting the establishment of cadastral records evolving into a modern, efficient and reliable system for our citizens, bearing in mind that one of the basic principles of land Administration – is the principle reliability of cadastral registration. An important aspect of improving land administration is the reform of the Real Estate Directorate and the development of business organizations and entrepreneurship in the area of state survey and real estate cadastre. In this area we work together to reduce the scope of the work of the Directorate and to focus on core competencies and administrative and technical tasks of the highest priority, responsible provision of services to citizens, improving human resources and developing and using new information technologies in data collection and processing and maintenance of the state survey and real estate cadastre, and to improve the quality of legislation and subordinate legislation in this area. In June 2007, we have adopted a new Law on Survey and Cadastre (being under the amendments process), after which the Government of Montenegro adopted the Medium Term Action Plan on the development of real estate cadastre 2008 - 2013. Under these plans, the survey is being implemented (basic geodetic works) and registration of real estate rights, planning and programming of the annual and medium - term state survey operations and real estate cadastre, administrative and professional supervision, monitoring and development of new technologies, maintaining the register of spatial units, keeping a register of home numbers, streets and squares, linking the geodetic networks and exchange of geodetic and cartographic data from neighboring countries, the development and maintenance of the geodetic cadastral information system (GCIS), conduct of the technical documentation archive and state survey databases, plans and maps, and many other individual projects out of which the most important one is the real estate cadastre, introduction of GIS systems…”
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