- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Economic Development Draft Concession Act for the Morača River Hydropow...
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Draft Concession Act for the Morača River Hydropower Plants Project
Published on: Sep 17, 2010 • 9:24 PM Author: ministarstvo
Public is hereby informed that in the period between September 20th, 2010 and October 15th, 2010 it will be arranged the
about Draft Concession Act for the Morača River Hydropower Plants Project
Pursuant to article 18 of the Law on concessions ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", No. 8/09), the Ministry of Economy organizes and conducts the Public discussion in cooperation with the Capital of Montenegro and with the Municipality Kolašin, with objective to have the Draft Concession Act for the Morača River Hydropower Plants Project adopted by the Government of Montenegro.
In order to ensure conditions for interested parties to review and give comments, suggestions, objections, etc. on the Draft Concession Act for the Morača River Hydropower Plants Project, this document will be available to public during the entire course of the public discussion, in:
the Ministry of Economy (Rimski trg 46, IV floor, office No.15) in the period 10-12 h and on the website of the Ministry of Economy www.minekon.gov.me and on the website of the Project www.he-moraca.me ,
and comments and suggestions may be sent by electronic mail at the address: info@moracahpps.com, until the end of the public discussion.
Round tables will be arranged during the public discussion where the Draft Concession Act will be presented by the author.
The round tables will be arranged as follows:
- in Kolašin, on the day of October 6th, 2010 in the period 10 – 16 h, in SO Kolašin, hall of the Culture Centre
- in Podgorica, on the day of October 8th, 2010 in the period 10 – 16 h, in the multimedia hall of the Cultural Information Center „Budo Tomović”.
All interested persons are hereby invited to give active contribution to the public discussion.
about Draft Concession Act for the Morača River Hydropower Plants Project
Pursuant to article 18 of the Law on concessions ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", No. 8/09), the Ministry of Economy organizes and conducts the Public discussion in cooperation with the Capital of Montenegro and with the Municipality Kolašin, with objective to have the Draft Concession Act for the Morača River Hydropower Plants Project adopted by the Government of Montenegro.
In order to ensure conditions for interested parties to review and give comments, suggestions, objections, etc. on the Draft Concession Act for the Morača River Hydropower Plants Project, this document will be available to public during the entire course of the public discussion, in:
the Ministry of Economy (Rimski trg 46, IV floor, office No.15) in the period 10-12 h and on the website of the Ministry of Economy www.minekon.gov.me and on the website of the Project www.he-moraca.me ,
and comments and suggestions may be sent by electronic mail at the address: info@moracahpps.com, until the end of the public discussion.
Round tables will be arranged during the public discussion where the Draft Concession Act will be presented by the author.
The round tables will be arranged as follows:
- in Kolašin, on the day of October 6th, 2010 in the period 10 – 16 h, in SO Kolašin, hall of the Culture Centre
- in Podgorica, on the day of October 8th, 2010 in the period 10 – 16 h, in the multimedia hall of the Cultural Information Center „Budo Tomović”.
All interested persons are hereby invited to give active contribution to the public discussion.
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