- Government of Montenegro
Montenegro and Germany sign development cooperatio...
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Montenegro and Germany sign development cooperation protocol
Published on: Oct 14, 2010 • 10:16 PM Author: Bureau
Montenegro and Germany signed Wednesday, October 13, an annual protocol on development cooperation worth approximately EUR 27 million.
“The protocol we have just signed confirms our focus on energy, wastewater disposal issues, but also projects concerning energy efficiency, support to small and medium-sized enterprises and climate change issues,” Deputy Prime Minister Igor Luksic told the press after the signing ceremony.
He explained that one of the next major activity provided by the Protocol was an energy efficiency project for the public sector, for which the Government obtained a favorable loan and a EUR 1 million grant.
“One should not forget that considerable funds are being provided through the GTZ and that those projects have been implemented in Montenegro for quite some time,” said Luksic.
The Deputy PM stressed that the Federal Republic of Germany has allocated around EUR 200 million to Montenegro since 1999.
“Today, we have signed a protocol worth a total of €27 million, but that’s just part of our development and political cooperation, which has a much larger scale. Everything we do together is aimed at improving the economic circumnstances and the lives of the people in Montenegro,” said Otmar Greiff of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany.
He noted that the country has made good progress towards EU integration in recent years, although a lot of work still remains to be done, and pledged German support to Montenegro’s EU bid.
German Ambassador to Montenegro Peter Plate underlined the importance of ensuring the sustainability of the ongoing projects.
“The protocol we have just signed confirms our focus on energy, wastewater disposal issues, but also projects concerning energy efficiency, support to small and medium-sized enterprises and climate change issues,” Deputy Prime Minister Igor Luksic told the press after the signing ceremony.
He explained that one of the next major activity provided by the Protocol was an energy efficiency project for the public sector, for which the Government obtained a favorable loan and a EUR 1 million grant.
“One should not forget that considerable funds are being provided through the GTZ and that those projects have been implemented in Montenegro for quite some time,” said Luksic.
The Deputy PM stressed that the Federal Republic of Germany has allocated around EUR 200 million to Montenegro since 1999.
“Today, we have signed a protocol worth a total of €27 million, but that’s just part of our development and political cooperation, which has a much larger scale. Everything we do together is aimed at improving the economic circumnstances and the lives of the people in Montenegro,” said Otmar Greiff of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany.
He noted that the country has made good progress towards EU integration in recent years, although a lot of work still remains to be done, and pledged German support to Montenegro’s EU bid.
German Ambassador to Montenegro Peter Plate underlined the importance of ensuring the sustainability of the ongoing projects.
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