- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Economic Development E-COMMERCE FOR DEVELOPMENT
9 – 22 October 2024
The Ministry of Commerce of China, in cooperation with the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO) of China is organizing a course on E-commerce for development from 9 - 22 October 2024, in Beijing and Guangzhou, China.
The objective of this training programme is to enhance the capacity of policymakers and trade negotiators in developing countries to design and implement policies and regulatory frameworks that support the growth of e-commerce and the digital economy. This will ultimately contribute to economic growth, job creation, and innovation in developing countries.
Interested candidates need to complete and submit the online application form, which is available at: https://surveys.intracen.org/response/G2tIYnFbTgcEYFZ3VVJ-S0d_cHw, before 27 August, 2024. with a note that in addition to the form, it is necessary to submit other supporting documents through the online system. Please note that the participants will be selected on a basis of maximizing the contribution of the training to their work, with due considerations for regional and gender balance.
Documents related to the application: Invitation Letter.