Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Montenegro's priority is health of its citizens and openness primarily to its first neighboUrs

Published on: Mar 24, 2021 11:30 AM Author: Public Relations Service of the Government of Montenegro

The Montenegrin delegation, headed by Minister of Health Jelena Borovinić Bojović, met today with Minister of Health of the Republic of Serbia Zlatibor Lončar.

The officials exchanged information on the current coronavirus situation in the two countries, current epidemiological measures and outlooks ahead of the upcoming summer season.

Minister Borovinić Bojović confirmed that the health of citizens is Governmentʹs priority, followed by the economic stability of the country, as well as openness to the region, especially to Serbia, as the closest neighbour and fraternal country. Montenegro is working hard to prepare the country as a health-safe destination for the summer season and a country open to tourists. The Minister said that requirements for entering Montenegro will depend on the local epidemiological situation, as well as the epidemiological situation in the country of origin, reiterating that Montenegroʹs priority will be the openness primarily to the first neighbours.

Minister Borovinić Bojović once again thanked Serbia for donating the vaccines that were the first to arrive in Montenegro, but raised the issue of procuring vaccines against coronavirus (Russian and Chinese), which will be produced in Serbia.

Minister Lončar expressed interest in the epidemiological situation in Montenegro, and especially in the entry requirements for Serbian citizens in the upcoming summer season. He also discussed the future procurement of vaccines that will be produced in Serbia. Montenegro was among the first to express interest in these vaccines, and that will be respected when production starts.

Serbia expects that part of the production of the Russian vaccine will start soon, and the complete production by the end of the year. The production facilities are completely ready.

Borovinić Bojović and Lončar agreed that the health of citizens is a priority, and that by helping others, we are actually helping ourselves, because we are safe only when those around us are safe.

Both sides believe that today's meeting will pave the way for further development and improvement of cooperation.

Jelena Borovinić Bojović - prva zvanična posjeta Srbiji (24.03.2021.)
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