- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Tourism Public announcement for a Project Procurement Asso...
Public announcement for a Project Procurement Associate
The Ministry of Tourism, Ecology, Sustainable Development and North Region Development publishes a public advertisement for a Project Procurement Associate on the project "Strengthening of the Montenegrin Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and actions to adjust transparency through the Transparency Capacity Building Initiative" (CBIT) and “Fourth National Communication and the First Biennial Transparency Report of Montenegro to the UNFCCC’’.
Briefly about the projects
Projects "Strengthening of the Montenegrin Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and actions to adjust transparency through the Transparency Capacity Building Initiative" (CBIT) and “Fourth National Communication and the First Biennial Transparency Report of Montenegro to the UNFCCC" aim to increase the efficiency of national activities when it comes to climate change and synergies with other related national actions, policies and measures, in order to achieve low-carbon development. The projects will strengthen national, institutional and technical capacities, in order to more successfully implement activities in the field of climate change, as well as the adoption or improvement of methodology and tools for increasing transparency, in accordance with Article 13 of the Paris Agreement, as well as updating the inventory of gases with the glass effect gardens. The expected results will strengthen the institutional mechanism for monitoring nationally determined contributions and develop a stronger transparency framework.
The mentioned Associate will be hired under a consulting contract from May 2024 to May 2025 (5 days a month during that period).
Objective of the task
The Procurement Associate will lead the project's procurement and recruitment activities for all Outcomes, including drafting procurement plan based on the project's annual work plan and project document, drafting specifications for contracts based on ToRs provided by Project Manager, lead recruitment and procurement processes for the project. He/She will assess support requirements against project objectives and operating environment.
Under the direct supervision of the project manager, the Project Procurement Associate will be in charge of the activities that are given in the description of the project task attached to this competition.
Education and experience
University degree (preferably in economics and related studies, environmental, natural resources and similar studies).
Read here full Public announcement for a Project Procurement Associate
The application documents in Montenegrin language can be downloaded at: