- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Maritime Affairs PUBLIC COMPETITION
Published on: Apr 6, 2021 • 12:15 PM Author: Ministry of Capital Investments
Table of Contents:
1. Subject2. Brand name
3. Contracting Authority and professional guarantor4. The aim of the competition5. Starting points and thematic framework of the competition6. Formal terms of the competition7. Announcement of the competition and dates8. Specifications of the requested design9. Prize fund
10. Competition jury11. Contacts and application for the competition12. Attachments
1. Subject2. Brand name
3. Contracting Authority and professional guarantor4. The aim of the competition5. Starting points and thematic framework of the competition6. Formal terms of the competition7. Announcement of the competition and dates8. Specifications of the requested design9. Prize fund
10. Competition jury11. Contacts and application for the competition12. Attachments
invites all interested domestic and international public to
Public non-anonymous
to select the brand logo design for
the national airline of Montenegro
1. Subject
The subject of the competition is the brand logo of the national airline “To Montenegro”.
2. Brand name
The full international brand name of the airline “To Montenegro” is “Air Montenegro”.
3. Contracting Authority and professional guarantor
The inviter, organizer of the competition, and the Contracting Authority for the brand logo (hereinafter "the Contracting Authority") is the national airline “To Montenegro”, Džordža Vašingtona 98, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro.
The professional guarantor of the competition is the Faculty of Visual Arts Podgorica (UM), Josipa Broza bb, Podgorica, Montenegro (fvu.me).
4. The aim of the competition
The aim of the competition is to choose the brand logo design for the national airline of Montenegro, with the basic design manual of the brand (hereinafter "Manual"), for future development of design standards for business needs.
5. Starting points and thematic framework of the competition
Recognizing the decades-long achievements of the national airline, Montenegro Airlines AD (hereinafter: MA), the company “To Montenegro” wants to continue achieved development under the new name and sign MA from 1995, refreshed to meet new business challenges (hereinafter "Sign"). The brand in formation will be based on the logo as a certain composition of the lettering of the brand name and the redesigned sign.
Montenegro is a fruit of the great love between land and sea. Lakes and rivers connect its mountains and valleys. 352 species of birds that fly over Montenegro and inhabit it have the best view of its beauty. The eagle is a proud bird, whose strength historically symbolizes Montenegro, and gathers people like the coat of arms in its flag. The eagle is also in the logo of the national airline, which is embarking on a new phase in its flight. It moves with encumbered but experienced wings towards new horizons, under a new name and refreshed face. Be creative and gentle with it. We are counting on you.
6. Formal terms of the competition
The competition is public, international and non-anonymous. It is intended for all interested parties, without obligatory identification of the professional status, reputation and/or experience of the participants. In the second round of the competition, the Contracting Authority may take into account the evaluation of the participants’ portfolio.
Eligible to participate are all natural and legal persons who timely submit proper tender dossier (hereinafter "Dossier")
Members of the competition jury, their companies and/or related persons, the Contracting Authority and representatives of the Contracting Authority may not be participants.
The participants shall submit documentation for the competition, which shall consist of the design proposal and the duly completed application for the competition (hereinafter "Application").
The Application contains identification data and statements of the participants on the acceptance of the terms of the competition, the originality of work, as well as the exclusion of third parties from the authorship of the same.
The Application also contains a statement that the submitted design proposal has been created exclusively for the purposes of the competition, and has not been published or used for any other purposes. Publication of work is also deemed to be the submission of work to any form of competition.
In the case of a design proposal that has the characteristics of a co-authored or merged work, the Application shall contain identification data on all co-authors or authors of merged work in the team, while the signatory shall be deemed to be the responsible person on behalf of the participants, in terms of representation and legal transactions with the work.
The Participant may submit several different design proposals in separate dossiers.
Design proposals, on behalf of the Contracting Authority, shall be evaluated by a seven-member expert jury (hereinafter "jury"), composed of 4 representatives of the creative industries sector and 3 representatives of the Contracting Authority and the founder.
The jury shall evaluate the designs on the basis of the established criteria (described in section 8) and shall make a consensus decision.
The jury shall evaluate the designs in two rounds. In the first round, the jury shall form an unranked list of the most successful design proposals that advance to the second round. Participants of the second round acquire the right to defend the design before the jury for a maximum of 15 minutes. The defense is open to all participants in the second round. The terms of the defense shall be determined by the jury subsequently, and no later than 7 days from the closing of the first round. Due to the complex epidemiological situation, the jury reserves the right to organize the defense of the design by teleconference (video conference), about which it will inform the participants of the second round in a timely manner. In the case the defense is organized via video conference, the jury reserves the right to record the complete event for internal use.
The composition of the jury is the same in both rounds of the competition.
The outcome of the competition (hereinafter “outcome”) shall be the selection of the three best designs with a determined ranking (1st, 2nd and 3rd place), which acquire the right to compensation. The jury reserves the right not to award any of the three prizes.
The Contracting Authority reserves the right to request the necessary technical adjustments of the work from the first-ranked participant.
The participant shall cooperate with the Contracting Authority in the process of trademark registration.
The contract between the Contracting Authority and the Participant shall contain an exclusive license to use the work without spatial or time limitation.
By signing the application, the Participant accepts all the terms and conditions of the competition.
By submitting the Dossier, the authors express their consent to the public presentation of the submitted works for the purposes of promoting the competition, including presentations on social networks and electronic media, as well as the form of the exhibition.
The languages of the competition are Montenegrin (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian) and English.
The Contracting Authority reserves the right to change the competition announcement until the closing day, about which will inform the public without delay on the website of the Ministry of Capital Investments.
7. Announcement of the competition and dates
The competition was announced on April 6, 2021, by publishing on the website of the Ministry of Capital Investments.
Applications for the competition are open from April 6, 2021 to May 4, 2021 at 12:00 p.m.
All participants will be informed about the outcome via E-mail. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to an information ban to the media until the date of public announcement of the outcome, that is, until the publication of an official press release on behalf of the Contracting Authority.
8. Specifications of the requested design
• The design must be easily noticeable, of high aesthetic and visual value.
• The design must be a certain graphic composition of the lettering of the name and redesigned sign.
• The redesigned sign must retain enough elements of the visual code of the source MA sign, to maintain a generative connection with it (the head of the eagle portraited in profile, toeards flight direction, represented by an illusion of one stroke).
• The design of the logo must sensory and mentally reflect the thematic framework of the competition (point 5).
• The redesign of the sign should retain and improve the qualities of the original design.
• The design of the logo as a whole will be evaluated through four criteria:
• (1) identification criteria (irreplaceability, recognizability, memorability, conceptuality, timelessness, readability, cultural mobility, development openness, optical range at a distance,...),
• (2) meaning criteria (semantic scope, relationship to the name, intelligibility, link with the industry, emotional accessibility, resistance to abuse and vandalism,...),
• (3) aesthetics criteria (quality of shape stylization, measure of abstraction and simplicity, color palette and inverse mutations, sign compositions, typographic features, attractiveness, ...),
• (4) technology criteria (applicability and reproducibility, scalability, performance of details, technological mobility, material study, susceptibility to light conditions).
• When designing the logo, its use in long-range signage in air traffic should be taken into account, primarily through markings on aircraft (e.g. aircraft tail)
• Graphic compositions without pronounced physical permeation of lettering and sign are recommended, that is, compositions that enable visual separation of the two elements without major difficulties.
• Lettering may contain additional elements, except those that compromise the prominence of the sign.
• The basic color hue of the logo should be determined within the blue part of the spectrum, with appropriate saturation and brightness.
• The competition does not predetermine any relationship between the form (shape) and anti-form (surroundings) of the logo as basic (positive or negative).
• Each color logo variant should have its own colorless equivalent intended for simpler forms of reproduction.
• It is recommended to produce a plastic (three-dimensional) logo, as well as a logo in motion (in the form of an animation or a storyboard).
• The competition does not limit the design of any sensory aspects of the logo in accordance with the principles of "designi for all senses" (identity as a word, audio logo, image, touch, smell, movement, sound, melody, interaction ...), and according to the current technological standards.
• The competition does not limit the design of any accompanying devices as additional building elements in order to develop identity (corporate typeface, ornaments, patterns, samples,...)
In order for the Dossier to be taken into consideration:
• Design proposals must be easy to reproduce and recognizable, without difficult-to-implement elements.
• Design proposals should be submitted in printed form, digitally on portable media (USB flash-drive), and on paper with a printed link to download material online, in case of technical problems with portable media. Digital material must fully reflect what is sent in printed form (each file must be submitted in printed form, even if intended exclusively for digital use).
• The logo should be enclosed in three sizes, approximately 20×20 cm, 10×10 cm and in the minimum allowed size, printed on one standard A4 vertical format.
• The sign should be enclosed in three sizes, approximately 10×10 cm, 5×5 cm and in the minimum allowed size, printed on one standard A4 vertical format.
• The logo for digital use should be enclosed in PNG and SVG formats in approximate sizes 1920×1920px (72dpi RGB), 512×512px (72dpi RGB) and the minimum allowed size.
• The sign for digital use should be enclosed in square in PNG and SVG formats with and without color background in the following exact sizes: 16×16px, 32×32px, 48×48px, 72×72px, 144×144px, 512×512px and 1024×1024px.
• The sign for digital use should be enclosed in a circle in PNG and SVG formats with and without color background in the following exact sizes: 16×16px, 32×32px, 48×48px, 72×72px, 144×144px, 512×512px and 1024×1024px.
• The design proposal must be accompanied by a written explanation of appropriate length (maximum 1,800 characters).
• The design should be accompanied by a manual (horizontal A4 format, single-sided print, bound on the longer side) where the following principles are determined, that is, the basics of the standard, among others:
- basic logo
- the minimum allowed size of the logo and the sign as separate
- color palette specification
- isolation zone of the logo and the sign as separate
- variants of composition and orientation of the logo
- other dedicated variants of the logo
- guidelines for the use of logos on different backgrounds
- logo and sign features (separately) in the digital medium
- prohibitions
- accompanying devides
- other important information, guidelines and other properties required for proper use in various forms, materials, media and contexts
• The design proposal should be accompanied by types of applications and/or photo-simulations, drawings or sketches of the same in different situations of use, such as:
o Official use in business correspondence and operations
o Marking of the vehicles and aircrafts (in interior and exterior)
o Application on uniforms and clothing accessories
o Indoor and outdoor signage
o Various forms of advertising (ATL, BTL, web)
o Instagram, LinkedIN, Facebook, Twitter page/profile
o Examples of posts on social media with the application of the logo
o Icon for a hypothetical mobile application with simulation of the icon display on a smartphone.
Application visualizations should be prepared in a horizontal A4 document, single-sided print, and bound on the longer side.
Manuala and applications must also be enclosed digitally, in high quality PDF format.
9. Prize fund
The prize fund amounts to EUR 20,000 and is divided into three compensations for three ranked places:• 1st place: 16,000 euros (paid upon signing the contract, delivery of the logo after possible technical adaptations and the accompanying Manual)
• 2nd place: 2,500 eur (paid no later than 30 days from the announcement of outcome)
• 3rd place: 1,500 eur (paid no later than 30 days from the announcement of outcome)
10. Competition jury
Timely and duly submitted documentations will be evaluated by a jury composed of:
1. Prof. Nikola Latković Late, MFA (designer, Dean FVU)
2. Miloš Milošević (designer, Product Design Lead, fleka)
3. Dr Bojana Femić Radosavović (Visiting lecturer at the University of Economics)
4. Goran Ćetković (Copywriter)
5. Filip Radulović (president of the board of directors To Montenegro)
6. Predrag Todorović (CEO To Montenegro)
7. Draško Lončar (representative from Ministry of Capital Investments)
11. Contacts and application for the competition
For any information please contact pr@to.me.
Participants shall submit sealed Dossier by mail or in person to the company's address: To Montenegro, Capital Plaza, Džordža Vašingtona 98, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro, with the indication „Konkurs za logo – NE OTVARAJ!“
The Dossier must be submitted by Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 12:00 p.m.
The Tender Dossier contains:
1. Properly filled in and signed application form with identification data and statements
2. Design proposal
- A sample on vertical A4 format with basic color logo in three required sizes
- A sample on vertical A4 format with color sign in three required sizes
- Two colorless samples equivalent to prvious two items
- Manual
- Aplications
- Other items, at the discretion of the participants
12. Attachments
- MA sign in vector form
- Application form for the competition
- Glossary

ToMontenegro COMPETITION APPLICATION Version 1.0 •Published on: Apr 6, 2021 8:00 PM Download pdf •27 KB

Call details:
Governing authority:Ministry of Maritime Affairs
Published on: Apr 6, 2021
Deadline: May 4, 2021
Total funds20.000 eur
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