- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Visit of Minister Radulović to Paris incentive for...
Visit of Minister Radulović to Paris incentive for intensifying political dialogue and improvement of overall bilateral relations between Montenegro and France
The Western Balkans is extremely important for the European continent, while Montenegro and region are its inseparable part. In that spirit, it is necessary to work on change of narrative and perception of the Western Balkans’ region in member countries of the Union, respectively on the strengthening mutual dialogue between the EU and Montenegro and other countries of the Region – as been appraised today in Paris at the meeting between Minister of Foreign Affairs Đorđe Radulović with President of the Group of Friendship between France and the Western Balkans, and Secretary of the Commission for the European Affairs in the Senate Marta de Cidrac, during the first day of working visit to Paris.
At the meeting on which also participated senators Ellen Convey Mure, former Minister for French abroad and Olivier Cadic, as well as many others French senators, it was highlighted that Montenegro highly appreciates support that France, as one of the most eminent EU members, provides to Montenegro.
Head of Montenegrin diplomacy expressed the gratitude to senator Cidrac, on her personal commitment for important French support to the accession process of the Western Balkans’ states to the EU. Minister Radulović stated that Montenegro accepted the new methodology of the EU in good faith, that France strongly advocates, so that is firmly oriented to implement all necessary reforms in order to achieve its strategical goal – membership in the EU. On that line, he uttered that our country devotedly works on achievement of obligations from the European agenda despite challenging political, economic and health situation.
The importance of interparliamentary dialogue between Montenegro and France has been stressed, with firm belief that the Group of Friendship in Montenegrin Parliament will be soon formed, that will serve as important mechanism for further enhancing of the parliamentary cooperation.
Senator Cidrac delivered to Minister Radulović Honorary Medal of the Senat.
Minister Radulović had separate meeting with Géraldine Lemblé, Director of MEDEF, French business association that includes 7100 French companies and works in more than 120 countries over the world.
Montenegro is interesting and attractive address for French small and medium enterprises that have expertise in the areas of infrastructure, green economy, agrobusiness, cyber security, while appreciating good investment climate that Government of Montenegro is particularly committed, and that will, besides existing attractive taxes, also imply zero tolerance on the corruption – as it has been appraised at the meeting of Minister Radulović with Lemblé. MEDEF has 85 business councils that are headed by executive directors of the biggest French companies. Likewise, within this French association the Business Council for the Western Balkans is also active.
Head of Montenegrin diplomacy stated that Montenegro is interested for the promotion of investment, tourism and economic potentials in France, with larger presence of French investors that have confirmed as credible partners. In that context, concrete steps for further cooperation with the MEDEF were considered, as been announced, through organizing webinars of representatives of Montenegrin ministries of finance, economic development and capital investments with MEDEF’s officials, in presence of representatives of eminent French companies.
Collocutors concluded that larger presence of French investors is desirable, so qualitative political relations between two countries get economic dimension and value, while particularly appreciating strategical orientation to become member of the EU as soon as possible.
During the meeting it has been stated that Montenegro, as important tourism destination, is devoted to creation of preconditions for organizing, first of all, safe tourism season, and that in that context returning of French tourists is very significant, as traditionally the most numerous from the EU.
It has been also appraised that signing of Agreement on Cooperation with French Development Agency (AFD) is of the special importance for Montenegro, and that presence of Agency on the Western Balkans is extraordinary opportunity for achieving concrete cooperation between France and all states from our Region.
In the Embassy of Montenegro in Paris, the meeting between Minister Radulović and Prince Nikola Petrović Njegoš was also organized. During the meeting, joint commitment for development and affirmation of Montenegro on European and world map has been stressed, with focus on nurturing democratic values, Montenegrin culture and work on realization of development projects, thus valorization of Montenegro as ecological state under the moto “Small is beautiful” that will comprise small states committed to implementation of ecological standards (on the example of Scandinavian countries, Switzerland, Costa Rica). Additionally, readiness of state institutions in providing support to Prince Nikola Petrović has been stated, aiming at affirmation of cooperation with close states that have royal form of arrangement.