Visit of representatives of the World Customs Organization to the Customs Administration on 14-15 February 2024

Published on: Feb 20, 2024 9:21 AM

Representatives of the World Customs Organization visited the Customs Administration on 14-15 February 2024.The visit took place at the invitation of the Customs Administration, which participates in the WCO TENTACLE Project, which is aimed at preventing money laundering and terrorist financing by detecting cases of smuggling of cash, cash equivalents, gems, precious metals and other contraband items.

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Project TENTACLE is a joint program of WCO, Egmont Group and INTERPOL and is funded by the US Department of State.

During the visit, WCO representatives visited the border crossings Božaj and Podgorica Airport, where they had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the actions and controls of customs officers and border police officers, with the direct assistance of the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Police Administration and mobile teams of the Anti-Smuggling Department of the Customs Administration.

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             The WCO representatives expressed their satisfaction with the way the control is conducted, and with coordination and cooperation of customs and police officers, who use specialised equipment, specially trained service dogs, all in accordance with the WCO recommendations and the best international standards.

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