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Twinning study visit

Objavljeno: 2014-06-13 22:12:48 Autor: MPRR

In the period 9–13 June 2014, the Twinning project “Strengthening Rural Development Program under IPARD in Montenegro“ organized a study trip to Lithuania and Estonia for representatives of Directorate for IPARD Payments, Directorate for Rural Development and National Fund. The first two days of the visit took place at the Lithuanian National Paying Agency (Vilnius), while during the remaining three days, Montenegrin delegation was welcomed by Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board in Tartu and Ministry of Agriculture in Tallinn.

A part of the study visit also consisted of field visits to successful beneficiaries of EU rural development funds in the field of food processing, animal breeding and vegetable farming.

The visit aimed at upgrading of structures necessary for accessing and implementing the IPARD (Component V) support and offered Montenegrin participants a possibility to learn from the practical experience of the two Baltic countries which joined the European Union in 2004.