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Najava tendera za radove/Announcement for tender for works

Objavljeno: 2015-03-19 18:27:25 Autor: Direkcija

Ugovor o radovima “ Izgradnja kanalizacione mreze i postrojenja za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda (PPOV) u opštini Berane ” u okviru Operativnog programa "Regionalni razvoj" 2012-2013 iz Instrumenta za pretpristupnu pomoć (IPA) u Crnoj Gori.

Ovdje možete preuzeti najavu ugovora, kao i na web stranici EuropeAid-a:  

Dokument: Prior Information Notice
Datum: 19.03.2015 godine


Announcement for tender for works:
Work contract ″Construction of the Sewage Network and Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) in the Municipality of Berane” in the framework of Operational Programme ″Regional Develpment″ 2012-2013 under Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) in Montenegro.

Here you can obtain the announcement of contract, as well as on the EuropeAid website  

Attached document:  Prior Information Notice
Date: 19.03.2015.