RYCO Launches First Open Call for Project Proposals
Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) launched its first Open Call for project proposals today. RYCO is seeking proposals of civil society organizations and high schools for supporting projects in the field of promoting reconciliation in the region through increasing youth mobility, cooperation and activism. For this call, RYCO will allocate almost one million Euros.
Future beneficiaries will be able to send their project proposals worth between 10.000 and 35.000 Euros until 15 November 2017. All relevant information are available at the institution’s website –
www.rycowb.org. The overall amount available for the Call is 900.000 Euros.
RYCO wants to empower youth for setting the road to better cooperation in the Western Balkans and ensure further progress towards European integration of the region.
Exchange of experiences between young people from neighbouring contracting parties will help to form new ideas for the future of the region, contribute to better understanding of human rights, initiate intraregional exchange and cooperation and help foster trust building across ethnic groups of youth.
Through piloting this regional Open Call, RYCO will provide necessary regional perspective and support regional approach to continuous youth sector development in WB6. RYCO believes that only in this way sustainable and peaceful future of the region is possible.
On Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO)
Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) is an independently functioning institutional mechanism, founded by the Western Balkans 6 participants (WB 6): Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo , Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, aiming to promote the spirit of reconciliation and cooperation between the youth in the region through youth exchange programs.
The Agreement on establishment of RYCO was signed by the WB 6 Prime Ministers on Western Balkan Summit held in Paris, on July 4.