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Back to school: Eurydice publishes the school and academic calendars for 2019/20

Objavljeno: 2019-09-19 20:34:00

Summer is over and time has come for Eurydice's annual updates on school and academic calendars. If you are looking for information such as the distribution of holidays, number of school days in a comparative perspective, these reports are what you need to read.

The Organisation of School Time in Europe. Primary and General Secondary Education – 2019/20
Publication date: 19 September 2019
short link:!PK84cB  

How is the school year organised across Europe? Despite some differences, countries show many similarities regarding the structure of their school calendars. In 10 countries/regions, school generally starts in August. The countries where the school year begins the earliest are Denmark and Finland. With regard to the number of school days, it varies between 157.5 days in primary education in the Flemish Community of Belgium and 200 days in Denmark and Italy. In general, the number of school days is the same in primary and secondary education, but there are a few exceptions: in France and Albania (both in upper secondary education), Greece (in secondary education, teaching days and exam days are included), Romania and Serbia for example, the number of schools days is higher in secondary education than in primary.

This report, based on national data, gives an overview on the length of the school year, the start and the end dates, the timing and length of school holidays and the number of school days. It covers both primary and general secondary education and key points are illustrated by comparative figures. The information is available for 38 countries participating in the EU's Erasmus+ programme (28 Member States, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey).


The Organisation of the Academic Year in Europe – 2019/20

The academic calendar shows national data on how the academic year is structured (beginning of the academic year, term times, holidays and examination periods). Differences between university and non-university study programmes are also highlighted. The information is available for 38 countries.

Publication date: 19 September 2019
Short link:!vq94FW