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Request for expressions of interest for the selection of firms for audits

Objavljeno: 2019-11-12 13:07:00 Autor: MPRR


Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Rural Clustering and Transformation Project (RURAL CLUSTERING AND TRANSFORMATION PROJECT)

Request for expressions of interest for the selection of

firms for audits

Loan number: 2000001842

Grant number: 2000001841

The Government of Montenegro is a loan beneficiary in the amount of EUR 3,880,000 granted by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) as well as the ASAP grant in the amount of EUR 1,880,000 for the financing of the Rural Clustering and Transformation Project (RCTP. This advertisement follows the procedure specified in the final design of the project “Rural Clustering and Transformation Project (RCTP)” of 12 January 2017 and in the Letter to the Borrower dated 12 May 2017 and revised 16 October 2017.

Request for expressions of interest for the selection of firms for audits