Poništenje tenderske procedure za nabavke:
Poništenje tenderske procedure za nabavke za projekat “Nabavka opreme za zaštitu mora od zagađenja” u okviru IPA 2017 Godišnjeg akcionog programa za Crnu Goru, iz Instrumenta za pretpristupnu pomoć (IPA) u Crnoj Gori.
Ovdje možete preuzeti poništenje tenderske procedure za nabavke:
kao i na web stranici EuropeAid-a:
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Cancellation of a supply tender procedure:
Cancelation of a supply tender procedure for the project “Supply of equipment for response to marine pollution incidents” in the framework of IPA 2017 Annual Action Programme for Montenegro, under Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) in Montenegro.
Here you can obtain the Cancellation of a supply tender procedure:
as well as on the EuropeAid website: