Ugovor o grantu za “Podizanje svijesti o politikama iz oblasti životne sredine i klimatskih akcija” u okviru IPA 2016 Godišnjeg akcionog programa za Crnu Goru iz Instrumenta za pretpristupnu pomoć (IPA) u Crnoj Gori.
Ovdje možete preuzeti ispravku objave poziva za dostavljanje projektnih predloga, a istu ispravku objave kao i ostatak dokumentacije možete preuzeti na web stranici EuropeAid-a:
U prilogu dokument:
Datum: 21.04.2020. godine
ANNOUNCEMENT: Corrigendum no.2 for Call for proposals for Increased Awareness on Environmental and Climate Action Policies
Grant contract for “Increased Awareness on Environmental and Climate Action Policies ” in the framework of IPA 2016 Annual programme for Montenegro under Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) in Montenegro.
Here you can obtain Corrigendum no.2 for call for proposals, the same Corrigendum no.2 for call for proposals as well as the rest of documentation you can obtation on the EuropeAid website
Atacched document:
Date: 21.04.2020.