Evropska komisija planira da polovinom septembra otvori namjenski konkurs za podnošenje predloga projekata u okviru programa Horizont 2020, u cilju mobilisanja istraživanja i inovacija radi doprinosa ciljevima Evropskog zelenog sporazuma.
U toku su javne konsultacije radi oblikovanja budućeg poziva. U tu svrhu je pokrenuta platforma za angažovanje zainteresovanih strana, a reagovanje na predložene teme poziva moguće je poslati do 3. juna 2020. godine.
Konkurs će podržati:
• pilot aplikacije, ogledne projekte i inovativne proizvode
• inovacije za bolje upravljanje zelenom i digitalnom tranzicijom
• društvene inovacije i inovacije lanaca vrijednosti
Pored tehnološkog razvoja i oglednih aktivnosti, poziv će podstaći eksperimentisanje i socijalne inovacije u domenu novih načina za uključivanje civilnog društva i osnaživanje građana. U odnosu na trenutnu pandemiju, poziv će doprinijeti zelenom i digitalnom oporavku i povećanju društvene otpornosti u poljoprivredi, diverzifikaciji obnovljivih izvora energije, čistom transportu i modernizaciji ka čistoj i cirkularnoj industriji.
Zainteresovane strane mogu dati svoj doprinos učešćem u kratkim anketama za svaku od sljedećih oblasti Sporazuma:
Oblast 1: Povećavanje klimatske ambicije: međusektorski izazovi
Oblast 2: Čista, pristupačna i sigurna energija
Oblast 3: Industrija za čistu i cirkularnu ekonomiju
Oblast 4: Energija i pametne zgrade
Oblast 5: Održiva i pametna mobilnost
Oblast 6: Od njive do trpeze
Oblast 7: Obnavljanje biološke raznolikosti i ekosistemske usluge
Oblast 8: Okruženje bez zagađenja
Oblast 9: Jačanje znanja u podršci Evropskom zelenom sporazumu
Oblast 10: Osnaživanje građana za tranziciju ka klimatski neutralnoj i održivoj Evropi
Oblast 11: Ubrzavanje tranzicije ka čistoj energiji i dostupnosti, u partnerstvu s Afrikom
Detaljnije o ovom pozivu i učešću u konsultacijama iz ponuđenih oblasti možete se informisati na sljedećem sajtu:
Area of the call |
Topic Number |
Title of topic |
Type of action |
Area 1: Increasing Climate Ambition: Cross sectoral challenges |
1.1 |
Preventing and fighting extreme wildfires with the integration and demonstration of innovative means |
1.2 |
Towards Climate-Neutral and Socially Innovative Cities |
1.3 |
Climate-resilient Innovation Packages for EU regions |
Area 2: Clean, affordable and secure energy |
2.1 |
Demonstration of innovative critical technologies to enable future large-scale deployment of offshore renewable energy technologies (with the possibility to address also hydrogen applications) |
IA |
2.2 |
Develop and demonstrate a 100 MW electrolyser upscaling the link between renewables and industrial applications |
IA |
Area 3: Industry for a clean and circular economy |
3.1 |
Closing the industrial carbon cycle to combat climate change |
IA |
3.2 |
Demonstration of systemic solutions for the territorial deployment of the circular economy |
IA |
Area 4: Energy and resource efficient buildings |
4.1 |
Building and renovating in an energy and resource efficient way |
IA |
Area 5: Sustainable and smart mobility |
5.1 |
Green airports and ports as hubs for sustainable and smart mobility |
IA |
Area 6: Farm to Fork |
6.1 |
Testing and demonstrating systemic innovations for sustainable food from farm to fork |
IA |
Area 7: Ecosystems and Biodiversity |
7.1 |
Restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services |
Area 8: Zero-pollution, toxic free environment |
8.1 |
Innovative, systemic zero-pollution solutions to protect health, environment and natural resources from persistent and mobile chemicals |
8.2 |
Towards better regulation of chemical and pharmaceutical mixtures: from science to evidence-informed policies |
Area 9: Strengthening our knowledge in support of the EGD |
9.1 |
European Research Infrastructures capacities and services to address European Green Deal challenges |
9.2 |
Developing end-user products and services for all stakeholders and citizens supporting climate adaptation and mitigation |
9.3 |
A transparent & accessible ocean: Towards a Digital Twin of the Ocean |
IA |
Area 10: Empowering citizens for the transition towards a climate neutral, sustainable Europe |
10.1 |
European capacities for citizen deliberation and participation for the Green Deal |
10.2 |
Behavioural, social and cultural change for the Green Deal |
10.3 |
Enabling citizens to act on climate change and environmental protection through education, citizen science, observation initiatives, and civic involvement |
Area 11: International cooperation |
11.1 |
Accelerating demonstration of clean energy solutions in Africa and the Mediterranean |