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Objavljeno: 2006-11-20 22:29:00 Autor: Tenderi
In conformity with Article 20 and Article 35 of the Public Procurement Law (OJ of the Republic of Montenegro No46/06):


Are announcing

No 05-57/06
To the Public Procurement Tender Procedure for
Works on Construction of the Primary School in Podgorica

Scope of this tender is construction of the Primary School in Drac, Podgorica. Works entering the scope of this tender are construction works, construction trades, installation works (water and sewage system, electrical installations and heating ventilation and air conditioning installations), up to the 1m of the building periphery, the Contractor shall execute in accordance with the Final Design, by types and quantities defined in tender documents.

Promoter of the works is the Government of the Republic of Montenegro Ministry of Education and Science and Directorate for Public Works, through the credit line provided by the Government of the Republic of Hungary.

The tender is open to any tenderer having registered office in the Republic of Hungary, provided the leading company is registered in Hungary at least 50% of the export shall be realized by companies registered at Hungary, while subcontractors or suppliers can be out of the territory of Hungary. Any tender not meeting this requirement shall not be subject to further consideration.

Tenderer shall submit the unit-price system based tender.

Estimated value of the works entering the scope of this public procurement is 2.300.000 .

Delivery deadline for the works entering the scope of this tender is 9 months as of the date the Contractor has been introduced in works.

Any tenderer registered for the activities comprising the works being within the scope of this tender is entitled to participate in the tender.

Tenderer shall furnish evidence on complying with the requirements defined under Article 45, paragraph 1, Article 51 and Article 49 of the Public Procurement Law and Construction Licence in accordance with the Article 40 of the Law on Construction (OJ of the Republic of Montenegro No 55/2000).

To be substantially compliant the tender shall be submitted in English language. Moreover, eligibility evidence as well as all the required evidence shall be delivered in the original language supported with the translation in English by the authorised court interpreter.

Tenderer shall enclose a Bank Guarantee to the Tender, amounting 2% of the Tender Value as a guarantee of being bound by the Tender for the period of 90 days, as of the date scheduled for the Tender Opening under the Invitation to Tender.

Maximum advanced payment shall be 20% of the offered net value for this public procurement.

Tender documents can be obtained at the DIRECTORATE FOR PUBLIC WORKS starting from 21th November 2006, each working day from 8 a.m. 4 p.m. Tender documents for the public tender shall be issued by Andrijana Lakovic CE, upon presenting the evidence that the amount of 2,000.00 for the purchase of tender documentation has been paid or transferred to the bank account of the Directorate for Public Works kept with Podgoricka Banka under number 550-4314-42.

Tender submission deadline is 11 am on December 18th 2006 at the File Room of the DIRECTORATE FOR PUBLIC WORKS at Novaka Miloseva 18, Podgorica. Tenders shall be submitted in sealed envelopes and marked as specified in tender documents Svetlana Rakocevic, graduate lawyer, is officer in charge for issuance of confirmation that the tender has been submitted.

Tender opening procedure in accordance with the Public Procurement Law (OJ of the RoM No 46/06) is arranged for 11.30 am on December 18th 2006 at the premises of DIRECTORATE FOR PUBLIC WORKS at Novaka Miloseva 18, Podgorica

Any tender received after the specified tender submission deadline or not sealed or incomplete shall not be subject to further consideration.

Tenderers are allowed to submit one tender only.

Evaluation of tenders will be based on the criterion of the economically most effective tender and the following sub-criteria

1. Price 70 points
2. Technical and technological advantages of tender 25 points
3. Delivery date 5 points

The first-ranked tenderer shall furnish Performance Guarantee amounting 5 % of the Tender Value all in accordance with article 44 of the Public Procurement Law.

During tendering procedure every interested tenderer through its respective authorized representative can obtain all necessary information related to the works within the scope of the said tender at the premises of Directorate for Public Works every working day from 8 am to 11 am. Contact person is Ms. Andrijana Lakovic, CE (Podgorica, tel: 00 381 81 23 02 07.)

The first meeting for provision of all additional information will be held on December 8th 2006 at 12h at the premises of Directorate for Public Works, at Novaka Miloseva 18, Podgorica. This meeting can be attended by any interested tenderer having purchased the tender documents and having power of attorney.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of the Public Procurement Law (OJ of the Republic of Montenegro No 46/06) each participant in the public procurement procedure shall comply with the aforesaid provisions.

Participants in tender will be informed on the results of the evaluation results not later than within 60 days as of the tender opening date.

The first ranked tenderer shall be entered with into the Construction Agreement.

ul. Novaka Miloševa br.18.
81 000 Podgorica,
Republika Crna Gora

tel. 00 381 81 23 02 07
00 381 81 23 02 27
fax. 00 381 81 23 02 28
mailto: djrcg@cg .yu
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