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Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between Human Resources Management Authority and UDG Faculty of Philology signed

Objavljeno: 23.07.2021. 21:32 Autor: UzK
On 23 July 2021, the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation was signed between the Human Resources Management Authority, HRMA, and the UDG Faculty of Philology. Cooperation will be based on the principles of partnership, transparency and exchange of information, and will refer to projects aiming to provide a quality and speedy service for the citizens. Through joint and especially planned promotion activities, the public will get to know more about it in a timely manner.

“We strive for the development and improvement of public processes that refer to the creation of a more qualified administration,” it was noted at the meeting. As one of the activities for ensuring cooperation, it was agreed to deliver fifth graders – interpreters – to perform professional practice in state bodies.

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