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Clarification No3 and Corrigendum No3 for Construction of the Phase I of the Port of Virpazar

Objavljeno: 07.02.2022. 13:21 Autor: Ministarstvo kapitalnih investicija

According to the Tender Documentation No. 02-011/21-1291/1 for the for Construction of the Phase I of the Port of Virpazar within the ALMONIT-MTC Project the Ministry of Capital Investments submits Corrigendum No3 and Clarification No3.


Clarification no 3
Clarification no 3
According to the Tender Documentation No. 02-011/21-1291/1 for the for Construction of the Phase I of the Port of Virpazar within the ALMONIT-MTC Project the Ministry of Capital Investments submits Corrigendum No3 and Clarification No3
Verzija 1.0 Objavljeno: 07.02.2022. 19:17
Preuzmi pdf 254 KB
Corrigendum no 3
Corrigendum no 3
According to the Tender Documentation No. 02-011/21-1291/1 for the for Construction of the Phase I of the Port of Virpazar within the ALMONIT-MTC Project the Ministry of Capital Investments submits Corrigendum No3 and Clarification No3.
Verzija 1.0 Objavljeno: 07.02.2022. 19:19
Preuzmi zip 165 KB
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