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The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, 17 May

Published on: May 18, 2016 5:54 PM Author: PR service


Today the world marks the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. On this day back in 1990, the World Health Organization has made a decision to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder. This has ended one hundred year duration of "medical" homophobia. The decision mentined has become historic, and as of 2014, 17 May is celebrated as the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia.


Sexual orientation and gender identity represent personal characteristic, though protection of human rights and freedoms of every individual regardless of his / her particularities, is responsability of all of us together.


Protection of the rights and diversity must be provided to everyone equally. In more than 120 countries around the world on every 17 May, many LGBTI organizations, institutions, governments, human rights organizations as well as companies participate in various events, social activities with the aim of raising awareness for necessity to combat all forms of discrimination and hate crimes, as well as to promote equal enjoyment of human rights guaranteed by the Constitution of Montenegro for all persons regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity.

Respecting the importance of this date, its celebration has been initiated through an international conference named IDAHO Forum, which is dedicated to advancing diversity and inclusion of LGBTI people.   


Four IDAHO Forums have been held since 2013, in the Netherlands, Malta, Montenegro, and the one recently held IDAHO Forum IV, in Denmark. The Forum brought together senior officials of the Council of Europe, European Union and OSCE, a number of ministers from the region and EU Member States, as well as the international experts and representatives of non-governmental organizations that advocate the promotion and respect of LGBT rights. The Forum was attended by a delegation of the Government of Montenegro, as well. Montenegro used  the opportunity to present OutLeadership initiative, as a support of building a positive and inclusive environment for LGBT persons, in domestic, regional and international levels, as well as LGBTI package that Government of Montenegro leads for the Western Balkans. The Forum was an opportunity to strengthen further the position of Montenegro as a responsible partner of the international community that combats against discrimination.


Ministry for Human and Minority Rights

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