- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Justice October 15, the International Day of Women in Rura...
October 15, the International Day of Women in Rural Areas
Not only from a gender perspective, the role of women in rural areas is viewed as of being of great importance in every society. Women represent the core of every social community and the creation of the opportunity to realize its development potential is the priority of every democratic society. In Montenegro, rural women with their work represent a powerful impuls of overall economic development through the development of entrepreneurial skills.
The skills of these women are especially important in the field of strengthening the agricultural activity, all the more recent production of healthy food, the development of rural tourism, craft skills, and the preservation of the traditional cultural values of Montenegrin society. National policy in this area through agro-budget measures encourages rural women to turn their business ideas into real businesses that will market them.
The Ministry for Human and Minority Rights, through the IPA 2014 project which is being implemented in the Municipalities of Podgorica and Niksic, in the sphere of encouraging women entrepreneurship, helps women educate themselves on these issues and create business plans. In partnership with the UNDP Office in Montenegro and the Investment and Development Fund, the Ministry has initiated favorable credit lines for women entrepreneurs.
We use the opportunity to invite all interested women to get more information about the mentioned lines and facilities on the link: http://www.irfcg.me/me/kontakti
Ministry for Human and Minority Rights