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DPM Simović opens Green Days - Rethinking Developm...
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DPM Simović opens Green Days - Rethinking Development conference
Published on: Jun 29, 2020 • 10:36 PM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (29 June 2020) - The second international conference - "Green Days - Rethinking Development" - was held in Podgorica, organised by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Government of Montenegro and the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro.
On behalf of the organisers, the conference was opened by Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro Milutin Simović, Director of the UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States Mirjana Špoljarić Egger and Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce Danilo Gvozdenović.
Janez Potočnik, Co-chair of the UN International Expert Group on Resources and former European Commissioner for the Environment, gave an introductory speech at the virtual conference.
DPM Simović thanked the UNDP and the Chamber of Commerce for their partnership with the Government of Montenegro and their determination not to look back at the circumstances resulting from the COVID 19 pandemic, but to follow the planned goals.
The Deputy Prime Minister recalled the view that we must not only have green days, but we must have a green and prosperous life. "This message must have an even greater dose of imperativeness today. The global health and economic crisis does not leave us the right to choose and procrastinate ", said the Deputy Prime Minister and pointed out that we must redefine our development.
"We must act, be efficient and more concrete, more responsible for resources and accelerate the development that will benefit everyone, through a fairer and more efficient distribution of goods, while encouraging innovation and creativity."
Simović emphasised the importance of the discussion on the economic and business justification of the circular economy in Montenegro and informed that the Government of Montenegro is cooperating with the UNDP and the Chamber of Commerce in creating a national platform for establishing a circular economy in Montenegro.
For the further development of Montenegro, it is necessary to change and improve the approach and development models in order to achieve much greater resource efficiency. "This requires innovations in all areas, additional investments and breakthroughs in this field, as soon as possible," said the Deputy Prime Minister.
"Montenegro has developed a Smart Specialisation Strategy for the period 2019-2024, which confirms that a modernised and competitive country is based on three key strategic directions - a healthy Montenegro, a sustainable Montenegro and a digitalised Montenegro."
"This health and economic crisis presents us with the challenge of preserving existing jobs, economic substance and social stability. However, finding a solution to that only must not be our ultimate goal. This crisis must be a decisive trigger for much greater reach that will not only preserve existing jobs but also quickly create new ones," said Simović.
"The greatest responsibility lies with political decision-makers, but only with the strong support of business people, investors, the financial sector, academia, scientists, civil society and most importantly, every citizen will we create the future we all want," concluded DPM Simović.
Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce Danilo Gvozdenović expressed the expectation that the Green Days 2020 Conference will provide numerous useful ideas that will make our perception of the future of the planet different, and that a balance must be found between consumer society and care for nature and resources.
He emphasised that Montenegro has made two very important decisions, the Decision on the development of the spatial plan of Montenegro and the Decision on the development of the General Regulation Plan of Montenegro.
Director of the UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States Mirjana Špoljarić Egger stressed that it is time to use the current global crisis for a major shift towards green jobs, investment in renewable energy, smart housing and green public procurement, which are based on principles and standards of sustainable production and consumption.
Ms. Špoljarić Egger mentioned three key directions of action. First, a gradual transition to a lasting adjustment of economic growth and the use of resources and environmental impact must be ensured - in other words, the fulfillment of the promise of Montenegro as an ecological state. UNDP strongly supports the introduction of the principles of energy democracy, such as the concept of "prosumer" (producers and consumers), recognised in the new Energy Law. At the same time, rapid digital transformation on a large scale must be enabled - which must work for all sections of society.
"Third, economic recovery needs to be smart and innovative. The key to Montenegro's recovery lies in innovation. With this in mind, Montenegro's Smart Specialisation Strategy offers a whole new approach and can be used as a guide for adjusting other national policies and important government documents. UNDP will continue to support the recently established Innovation and Smart Specialisation Council."
Janez Potočnik, Co-chair of the UN International Expert Group on Resources, pointed out in the introductory presentation that, in the medium term, lack of resources will not be a major challenge to economic development, but will be a consequence of excessive and irresponsible use of resources - climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution - which endanger both the environment and health.
"The transition to a circular economy must be systematic, in-depth and transformative. The European Commission has called on countries to support the Framework Action Plan for the Circular Economy and its implementation. The adoption of national strategies for the circular economy is expected. The Commission will monitor the preparation and implementation of these documents."
Mr. Potočnik emphasised that travel and tourism play an important role in the transition to a circular economy, as this industry is deeply linked to key resource flows and value chains - agriculture and food, construction and the transport industry. "Travel and tourism can act as drivers of a circular value chain," said Potočnik.
"The European Green Agreement is a new growth strategy aimed at transforming the EU into a prosperous society, with a competitive economy and zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050," Potočnik said.
"Europe must abandon the history of 'resource-based imperialism' and step into the future of responsible use of natural resources and strong resilience of communities and ecosystems," concluded Potočnik.
More information about the conference can be found on the official website of the conference - www.greendays.me, as well as on the social networks Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.
PHOTO AND VIDEO: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmP8mUPq
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