- Government of Montenegro
Tax Administration The Revenue and Customs Administration started a p...
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The Revenue and Customs Administration started a pilot implementation of the NCTS system at the national level
Published on: May 17, 2022 • 7:00 PM Author: Revenue and Customs Administration of Montenegro
Today, Montenomax company submitted to the Customs Office Debeli Brijeg the first transit declaration with the consignment number MRN 22ME037095N5EIUPJ8, using NCTS. The goods were sent to the Customs Office Danilovgrad, where the transit procedure was discharged.
On 16 May 2022, the Revenue and Customs Administration started the pilot implementation of the New Computerized Transit System (NCTS) - phase 5 at the national level. The NCTS system enables the submission of a customs declaration for the transit procedure electronically, which means that the formalities prescribed under the customs regulations are carried out by electronic data exchange, without submitting paper documents. The transit procedure is performed by one electronically submitted transit declaration and one guarantee, which will be valid during the entire movement of goods. Traders communicate with NCTS electronically and exchange data and information on a specific transit procedure.
For the purpose of pilot implementation at the national level, two customs offices were selected, the border customs office Debeli Brijeg and the internal customs office Danilovgrad, where the first transit declarations were submitted today using new applications developed within the IPA Project for the implementation of the NCTS system. This was preceded by training for customs officers and officials of the Montenomax Company, which submitted these transit declarations. In the following period, other customs offices and other economic operators, as declarants of transit declarations, will be included in the pilot implementation. It is planned to cover all customs offices and declarants of transit declarations by the end of September, in order to enable full implementation of this system at the national level in early October.

The goal of the Project, which is in the final phase, is to meet the conditions for Montenegro's accession to the Common Transit Convention and the Convention on Facilitation of Trade in Goods, based on which the common transit procedure will be applied using the NCTS system. The benefits of applying this system are trade facilitation, faster flow of goods, simpler procedures, reduced costs and increased competitiveness of domestic traders in the European market.
Along with the implementation of the NCTS at the national level, the Customs Service of Montenegro, in cooperation with the European Commission, will continue to test this system at the international level to verify the system functionalities and compliance with conventions and interoperability with the European customs system. This system will be also implemented at the international level, after Montenegro becomes a member of the conventions, by which will be fully accomplished the benefits of the NCTS system.
On 16 May 2022, the Revenue and Customs Administration started the pilot implementation of the New Computerized Transit System (NCTS) - phase 5 at the national level. The NCTS system enables the submission of a customs declaration for the transit procedure electronically, which means that the formalities prescribed under the customs regulations are carried out by electronic data exchange, without submitting paper documents. The transit procedure is performed by one electronically submitted transit declaration and one guarantee, which will be valid during the entire movement of goods. Traders communicate with NCTS electronically and exchange data and information on a specific transit procedure.
For the purpose of pilot implementation at the national level, two customs offices were selected, the border customs office Debeli Brijeg and the internal customs office Danilovgrad, where the first transit declarations were submitted today using new applications developed within the IPA Project for the implementation of the NCTS system. This was preceded by training for customs officers and officials of the Montenomax Company, which submitted these transit declarations. In the following period, other customs offices and other economic operators, as declarants of transit declarations, will be included in the pilot implementation. It is planned to cover all customs offices and declarants of transit declarations by the end of September, in order to enable full implementation of this system at the national level in early October.

The goal of the Project, which is in the final phase, is to meet the conditions for Montenegro's accession to the Common Transit Convention and the Convention on Facilitation of Trade in Goods, based on which the common transit procedure will be applied using the NCTS system. The benefits of applying this system are trade facilitation, faster flow of goods, simpler procedures, reduced costs and increased competitiveness of domestic traders in the European market.
Along with the implementation of the NCTS at the national level, the Customs Service of Montenegro, in cooperation with the European Commission, will continue to test this system at the international level to verify the system functionalities and compliance with conventions and interoperability with the European customs system. This system will be also implemented at the international level, after Montenegro becomes a member of the conventions, by which will be fully accomplished the benefits of the NCTS system.
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